Lower Tadfield

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It always snows on Christmas in Lower Tadfield, even when the rest of England is drenched in the dreary rains of late December. The air is clear and crisp, perfumed with the scent of pine trees and wood smoke and roasting turkeys. If you listen closely, the sound of sleigh bells can be heard, jingling faintly over the frosty air.

Adam Young's house looked lovely in the dusky evening light. The old farmhouse stood on a hill, overlooking the snowy valley. White lights twinkled under the eaves, green garlands festooned the generous front porch. A huge wreath with a red bow hung on the door. The warm glow of many lamps spilled out into the gloom.

Two figures walked over the fields, making their way to the farmhouse through the deep snow. One man was dressed all in white, his buttery leather coat almost fading into the snowy surroundings. He carried a heavy basket laden with food and gifts. The other man striding beside him stood out in contrast against the snow. He was dressed all in black and wearing dark sunglasses. He carried a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

The two men climbed onto the front porch and knocked.

Adam opened the door. Christmas music and the smell of fresh gingerbread wafted out. He looked well. Married life clearly suited him. He had gained weight - not a lot, just enough to give him some ballast. His mass of blonde curls shone. He held a doe eyed two year old in his arms. She was dressed up for the Christmas party in a green velvet dress with a red sash. She looked at them bashfully from under a fringe of jet black hair.

"Mr. Fell!" exclaimed Adam warmly. He threw his free arm around Aziraphale in an awkward hug.

"Adam! So lovely to see you!" Aziraphale beamed. "You remember Mr. Crow, don't you?" He gestured to Crowley lurking on the snowy step.

"Of course!" said Adam, extending his hand. "Mr. Crow! Haven't seen you in a while, have we? Happy Christmas!"

"Yes. Well. Same to you," Crowley replied. He didn't think he could say Happy Christmas. He would probably self immolate if he did. He took Adam's hand. When they touched it was like an electric shock. Like meeting like. Adam was the Anti-Christ, after all. The air crackled. A brief flash of something - recognition?- flashed in Adam's blue eyes but he didn't say anything.

"Tina," Adam addressed the little girl in his arms. "You remember Mr. Fell, don't you? He was here at Easter. And this is Mr. Crow. They helped Dad out, when he was just a boy you know."

Tina took in this information in wide eyed silence.

Adam set her down. She clung to his pants leg. "Come in, come in. Let me take your coats. Shayla's in the kitchen . She'll be delighted to see you. Pepper and Wensleydale are already in the lounge. Wait till you see Pepper," Adam grinned. "She's huge. And Brian and Li should be here any minute."

He ushered them into the lounge, which sparkled with Christmas greenery and baubles. Pepper and Wensleydale were delighted to see Aziraphale. Brian and Li arrived, flush with the delight of new found love. Crowley should really have set up some temptation to tempt them away from each other, but he hadn't the heart. They reminded him too much of his own feelings for Aziraphale.

Crowley remembered the Them as a scruffy bunch of ten year olds on bicycles, mismatched and misbegotten. He'd only met them the one time, at the Almost Armageddon. And of course he'd been there for the colossal screw up of Adam's birth.

They trimmed the tree while sipping Christmas punch. The young people joked and laughed. Adam's two small daughters ran about. Christmas music played. A turkey was roasting in the oven. Aziraphale glowed (literally) with happiness.

Crowley started to relax. He had never celebrated Christmas, obviously. He usually used the day to get up to some kind of special devilment, and then he'd get together with his fellow demons and get roaring drunk. He would have to leave Adam's cozy house and join them soon or he'd be missed.

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