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Hey what's up guys I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my book and the people who helped me get through that very tough time when Vera had died. I wish I could change the past and none of this would never had happened,but as Vera told me once,"Everything happens for a reason." The thing is I don't understand the reason Vera died,but I guess there is a reason Vera died I just haven't figured what that reason is yet. Vera always saw the good in people and I know she is seeing the good in everyone who has helped her mother and me through this very difficult time,and we might not ever get through it. I posted something on Facebook that many people saw,my post said "some people love and forget,but once that person they love dies you realize you made a huge mistake and they regret things they said and did to that person they loved. I regret all the fights Vera and I had and there were things I wish I would've said. I wish I would e told her I loved her more when she told me she loved me all time. On the bright side she is in a better place,do I know that she didn't suffer,NO,but I know that she loved everyone she knew!!!!!"

Thx for listening
XoXo Amiya Cowie

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