Friends to lovers?

Start from the beginning

Long distance hard? Not so hard

Abhishek and Jiya found themselves in the challenging yet inevitable realm of a long-distance relationship as Jiya embarked on her new job in Delhi. The first few weeks were filled with frequent video calls, text messages, and late-night conversations.

One evening, as Abhishek and Jiya settled into their respective homes, the city lights outside Jiya's window cast a warm glow on her face. Abhishek, sitting in his room, stared at his phone, waiting for their nightly call.

As Jiya's face appeared on the screen, they both smiled.

Abhishek: (softly) Hey there.

Jiya: (smiling) Hi, Abhi. How was your day?

Abhishek: (with a hint of longing) It was good, but it's always better when I get to see you.

Jiya: (emotionally) I miss you so much, Abhi. Delhi is amazing, but it's not the same without you.

Abhishek: (sincere) I miss you too, Jiya. Our town feels a bit emptier without you. But we both knew this was coming, right? We'll make it through.

They talked about their day, sharing stories of their individual experiences. They laughed, they reminisced about old times, and they even argued about who was the better cook. It was a conversation that held a multitude of emotions.

Jiya: (reflective) Abhi, do you remember when we were kids, and we promised that we'd stay best friends forever, no matter what?

Abhishek: (nostalgic) I remember, Jiya. We even had that secret handshake.

Jiya: (grinning) Yes, we did. And we also talked about being each other's anchor, no matter where life took us.

Abhishek: (warmly) We sure did. And we meant every word of it.

Jiya: (softly) I love you, Abhi. More than anything.

Abhishek: (touched) I love you too, Jiya. And distance won't change that.

As they said goodnight and ended the call, both Abhishek and Jiya felt the warmth of their unwavering bond. The challenges of a long-distance relationship were real, but their friendship-turned-love was stronger, and they knew they would find a way to make it work, just as they always had.

In the midst of their long-distance relationship, Abhishek and Jiya discovered a sweet and heartwarming way to bridge the gap between them. They decided to surprise each other with deliveries on the same day, turning an ordinary day into something special.

Abhishek, who had always been the romantic one, had arranged for a bouquet of Jiya's favorite flowers and a box of her favorite chocolates to be delivered to her Delhi apartment. As the delivery person handed her the gifts, a grin spread across Jiya's face.

At the same time, Jiya had coordinated with Abhishek's favorite bakery to have a box of his beloved chocolate cupcakes delivered to his doorstep in their hometown. Abhishek was caught by surprise when he opened his door and found the sweet treats waiting for him.

As they both received their deliveries, the coincidence was not lost on them. They immediately called each other through a video call.

Abhishek: (excited) Jiya, look what just arrived at my doorstep!

Jiya: (equally excited) Abhi, you won't believe what I got here in Delhi!

They each held up their gifts to show the other.

Abhishek: (smiling) Flowers and chocolates, just the way to your heart.

Jiya: (grinning) You know me too well, Abhi.

Abhiya: One shotssss????????Where stories live. Discover now