1) TW&TP | Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Emmet, who's ass woths more ensured? Yours or J.Lo's?" – Asked another photographer

"Damn, these parasites" – said Johnny rolling his eyes walking pass them with Emmet once they took a couple of photos of them posing

"Aren't you auctioning the exclusive photos of the wedding once it happens to the highest bidder between those parasites?" – Asked Emmet archin an eyebrow

"Hey, one thing is me using them, other thing is they using us for clout" – said Johnny

"Johnny, Emmet, good seeing you both" – said a man approaching them

"Hey...you..." – said Johnny faking a smile unsure of who the guy was and he started to talk to him and then more people started to approach them

"I'm gonna get a drink babe, I'll see you in a minute" – said Emmet walking away detaching his hand from his boyfriend and walked to the bar with an annoyed look

In another side of the party Sue and Reed were also talking with some people around and Franklin Richards, Sue and Johnny's dad was with them, the people kept asking questions about their wedding trying to get some inside scoop as the wedding was only a month away.

"I heard you got Vera Wang to design your dress, is that true?" – Asked a woman to the blonde girl

"No, no, I mean, I wish and I think we could have, but I decided to go with someone else for the dress, his name is Luke Jacobson and he is the best to understand how to dress supers like us" – explained Sue to the people around

"He is actually the one who helped design our new suits" – added Reed with a smile – "he will also design my tux for the wedding" – he added

"I think I heard he made the dress for the gala that She-Hulk attended where she went full Hulk, the situation was unfortunate but the dress was beautiful" – said a man

The people around agreed with the man's comment and kept talking to the couple while the father of Sue moved away from them to leave the couple talking to the crowd of people surrounding them as the conversation, they had initially about the company turned into the wedding and on the bar he find himself with his son's boyfriend.

"Emmet, enjoying the party?" – Asked Franklin

"Not as much as our celebrity couple and your son I guess" – said Emmet

"Are you feeling left behind with them gathering all the attention?" – Asked Franklin

"Nah, I don't like that much attention" – said Emmet

"Weird, sometimes it looked like you did" – said Franklin

"I mean, I do at times, but there is a difference with the amount of attention I want to get from people with the amount of attention people want me to give and receive from them" – said Emmet

"That's...pretty deep" – said Franklin

"And I bet it was unexpected coming from me Daddy Storm" – teased Emmet smirking

"You have a knack for turning things weird sometimes" – said Frankling taking a sip of his dream walking away after the nickname the black-haired

"Come on Daddy, just take off your shirt and give us a show" – said Emmet with a smirk and giggled as the older male walked away

"Hey, babe sorry I had to get all those people off me" – said Johnny approaching his boyfriend with a smirk – "by the way, not cool that you talk to my dad like that, kinda weird" – he pointed out

"I was just having some fun with my weird and very foward humor, you have your fun with those people the entrance" – said Emmet rolling his eyes

"They just wanted more inside scoop, they even asked some stuff about you but when I turned around you were gone" – said Johnny

6) The Phantom Adventures of the Fantastic Four  |  Part 1) TW&TPWhere stories live. Discover now