Strength Beyond Quirks

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The following days were tense for Midoriya. The whispers at school grew louder, rumors swirling about his encounter with All For One. Even Bakugo, his longtime bully, approached him with a caution that was previously absent, asking if the stories were true. Midoriya simply replied, "I made my choice."

Midoriya's refusal had made waves, and word reached the ears of the one person he looked up to the most: All Might. Intrigued, All Might sought him out, meeting him on the same rooftop where they'd later share a significant bond.

"Young Midoriya," All Might began, "I've heard of your encounter. Rejecting All For One's offer took immense courage."

Midoriya, starstruck but also filled with a thousand questions, replied, "But was it the right choice? I want to be a hero, but without a quirk, how can I?"

All Might smiled, remembering his own early days, his struggles, and the weight of One For All. "True heroism isn't just about quirks. It's about heart, integrity, and the will to do what's right, even when it's hard. You've shown you have that will."

And with that, All Might revealed his secret to Midoriya, the power of One For All, and his own waning strength. "I've been looking for a successor, someone with the heart to carry this power. I believe you're ready."

Tears welled up in Midoriya's eyes as the weight of the moment hit him. His dream was within reach again, not through the path of darkness with All For One, but through sacrifice, training, and the legacy of All Might.

The journey ahead would be challenging. But with the mentorship of All Might and the burning desire to be a true hero, Midoriya was set on a path to not only inherit One For All but to define heroism for a new generation.

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