Cory's Friends Are Bound To Be Strange

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BY THE TIME THE NEXT school year came around, Michelle's vocabulary had improved

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BY THE TIME THE NEXT school year came around, Michelle's vocabulary had improved.

She was talking a lot more, and she was walking around everywhere. Shawn was extremely proud of his sister, and he told her so constantly. No matter what it was that she did.

Currently, the Hunter siblings were on their way to the Matthews, and Michelle was confused as to why Shawn had more hair on the side of his face. She had watched him put them on that morning, and was baffled by them. Every time she reached up to touch them, Shawn would gently bring her hand down, telling her she couldn't touch them.

As soon as the two walked into the Matthews, Shawn set Michelle down, and Michelle made her way over to Eric, who was sitting at the breakfast table.

"Hey, Michelle." Eric smiled. "You have a good morning so far?"

Michelle gave him a thumbs up. Eric smiled, and gave one back.

"I wish I could stay home." Eric sighed. "You're much more fun then school."

Michelle gave him a wide smile. "Fun."

"Yeah," Eric smiled. "Fun."

Michelle looked around the kitchen, and asked, "Morgan?"

Eric nodded. "Morgan's staying at grandma and grandpa's for a few months."


Eric nodded. "Gone. But she'll be back."




"I don't know?"


"I'm not sure, Michelle."


"Because no one ever tells me anything."


"That's a good question."

Michelle opened her mouth to ask another question, but Shawn scooped her up. "I think that's enough questions, munchkin."

Michelle smiled, and Eric shook his head. "Six questions in a row. Man, not even Morgan asks that many questions."

"Try having to deal with that when you're trying to go to bed." Shawn sighed. "She once asked thirty questions in a row."

Eric shook his head again, and Michelle squirmed in his grip until he put her down.

"Bye." Michelle said, walking around. "Bye. Bye. Bye."

"New favorite word?" Cory asked, turning to Shawn.

"Says it every single day." Shawn said. "Bye Michelle."

"Bye-bye." She smiled.

Shawn smiled widely, and turned and walked out the door with Cory.


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