Shawn, You Were Gone For 30 Seconds!

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SHAWN SIGHED as he looked down at his messy sister

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SHAWN SIGHED as he looked down at his messy sister.

He had left some yogurt on the tray of her high chair, which was his first mistake. His second mistake was turning his back on her. Shawn hadn't really been in the right head, his dad still being gone and all. So he didn't think too much on leaving the yogurt on Michelle's tray. Running a hand through his hair, he unclipped her tray and scooped her out of the chair. Turning the sink on, he made sure it was the right temperature, before undressing her and taking her diaper. He set her in the bathtub, scrubbing the yogurt off.

(You guys don't find it weird that Shawn's giving her a bath right? I don't think it is, but I thought some people would. He's just bathing her, anyhow)

He ran his fingers through her thin hair. He looked at the front door, praying to see his Dad walk in, but no avail.

Maybe I chased him away. Shawn thought. Maybe he ran away because of Michelle. No, don't think that. It's not Michelle's fault. It had to be something I did.

Finishing up Michelle's bath, he wrapped her in a towel and began to dry her off. Bringing her to their shared room, he grabbed a diaper and a onesie. Slipping both on, he lifted her up and kissed her cheek.

"There you go munchkin!" Shawn cheered. "You're all clean now!

Michelle squealed happily as she smiled at her brother. For Michelle, he was more of a father figure to her. She was too little to think of why she didn't have a mother to help take care of her, or why her actual father wouldn't take care of her. Shawn was the closest thing she had to a father. The closest thing she had to a real family was Shawn, Cory and the other Matthews.

Sighing, Shawn sat down on the couch with Michelle on his lap. He didn't turn the TV on figuring they've watched too much TV lately. Shawn looked down at Michelle and said, "Do you want me to read to you?"

Michelle clapped her hands and Shawn set her down to go find a book. He came back with three books and sat down on three books.

"Okay, so I have 'Peter Pan', 'Rapunzel' and my history text book." Shawn said. "Take your pick munchkin."

Michelle pointed to Peter Pan and Shawn smiled. "Well, looks like I'm not doing my homework tonight."

Shawn opened the book and began to read. Halfway through the book, Shawn felt his eyes flutter shut. He dropped his head dropped onto the back of the couch, as he fall asleep. Michelle, who was very interested in the book, grabbed it and began to babble, as if she were reading. She got to the end of the book, closed it and patted her brother's chest. She leaned into him, happy and content.

The Hunter siblings lay comfortably on the couch, Michelle holding her brother tightly, never wanting to let go.


When the siblings woke up, Shawn headed outside, walking panicked to Cory's house. He threw the door open and raced to Cory's room. Cory looked up, and before he could say anything Shawn cut him off.

"Cory, you need to help me, I keep using baby words for everything!"

Cory could have almost laughed at the look of distress on his face. "What?"

"Someone asked me what I wanted to drink and I said 'wawa'." Shawn said, his cheeks red from embarrassment. "Then, I asked a lady where the bathroom was and I said that I had to potty."

Cory laughed a little as he distressed friend. It was kind of funny to see Shawn so worked up over nothing. Amy walked in, smiling at the Hunter siblings and asked, "Would you guys like a snack?"

"Yes, pwease." Shawn said before he instantly corrected himself. "Please! I meant please!"

Amy laughed a bit, but headed down stairs. Shawn turned back to Cory, begging him with his eyes to help him.

"I don't know what you want me to do, Shawn." Cory laughed. "I've never been stuck in baby talk before."

Shawn set his sister down, handing her to Cory. He looked as if the conclusion he thought up of was going to kill him. "Maybe, I need some time away from Michelle."

He walked out the door, and Cory turned to Michelle who looked ready to cry. He bounced her on his knee, hoping to soothe her. Not even a minute went by and his door was slammed open and Shawn ran back in and snatched Michelle from Cory. He hugged her tightly, as if he had been gone for 8 hours.

"I missed you!" Shawn said happily. "I miss you so much, munchkin! I'm never leaving you again!"

"Shawn you were gone for 30 seconds!"

He ignored his friend as he peppered Michelle's face in kisses. Cory rolled his eyes and said, "If this is how you act know, just wait until she goes to school."

Shawn's head snapped over to meet his curly haired friend.

"She's not going to school." Shawn hissed.

"Then how is she going to learn?"

"I'll teach her." Shawn said happily.

Cory rolled his eyes. "Shawn, you're still in school yourself."

Shawn rolled his eyes as well. "I'll teach her after school."

Shawn bent down to her height and said, "Do you want me to teach you, munchkin?"

Michelle clapped slightly, but Cory shook his head. "We'll be juniors when she's able to go to school. You won't have time to teach her."

Shawn looked up at Cory. "But if she's in school I won't see her very much."

"But you'll have a better chance of seeing her if she's in real school." Cory told him.

"She'll be on the other side of the school." He whined.

He wrapped Michelle in another hug as he talked to Cory. "Why does she have to go?"

Cory rolled his eyes, not answering. There was no point in arguing with Shawn when it came to Michelle. He could never see another option then Michelle staying with him. He watched as his friend played with his sister. Both Hunter's looked happy with each other. They always did. Everyone time they were apart they looked ready to cry.

Besides, who was Cory to take away their happiness?

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