«family time»

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There were two weeks between Bahrain and the next race of the season, Jeddah, meaning Lola and the Leclercs were going to take full advantage of the few days off they had. Louis and Camille had half term off during this week, so Lola had planned to fly back to Monaco and spend a few days with her family. Of course when Arthur and Charles heard of these plans they decided to invite themselves, both arguing that they were basically family anyway, which was true. The group decided to organise a full day out, including Lorenzo, Pascale and Lola's Parents.

The three of them spent the flight home trying to decided how they wanted to spend their time with the family without doing their usual activities of going on a boat or spending a day at the beach.

"we have a few days, why don't we all go on holiday? it's last minute but i know this lovely villa in greece that i can probably get from tuesday to sunday" charles had suggested
"are you sure, it will be expensive?" lola said
"it's fine i'll get it sorted" he had replied with a smile

the 17 year old ran up to her older sister to give her a hug, which Lola happily returned.
"i'm so glad your back for a few days" she said smiling
Lola greeted Louis before telling them she needed to speak to them, along with their parents. The five of them sat down in the living room while Lola told them about the trip to greece they had planned with the Leclercs. Her family were over the moon and immediately ran to pick their things ready for the flight the next day. Lola sat in the couch smiling as her family rushed up the stairs to get prepared, happy she can do things like this with them, even while balancing her race career.

She heard her phone ring from beside her, and smiled when she saw Arthur requesting to facetime her.
"Hey Arth, did you tell your mum and lorenzo"
"yep and they are super excited, they have gone picking now" he replied with a huge smile on his face
"same here, the twins were shaking with excitement. plus my parents can't wait to spend a good few days with you guys. we really have become one big family"
arthur smiled at her over the phone and opened his mouth so say something before charles appeared behind him.
"hey beautiful, ready for a week in Greece?" he said looking at her
Lola tried not to blush before she responded saying how she couldn't wait. She was too busy looking at charles to notice the drastic change of arthur's smile, which was now a jealous frown.

The three of them spoke for a little while longer before deciding to go and pack their own things. They said goodbye before heading off to get sorted and get an early night. Their flight was at 7am, meaning they needed to be at the airport for 5am.

Lola's alarm went off the next day at 3:30 am and she got up and dressed into a comfy outfit before heading downstairs to meet her family and get in the car to the airport, where they would be meeting the leclercs.

lolaroux via stories


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When they arrived at the airport, they could see Charles, Arthur, Lorenzo and Pascale waiting for them already. They made their way over and everyone greeted each other, Pascale and Lolas parents getting straight into a deep conversation, Louis and Lorenzo talking about some nonsense and Charles and Camille speaking about racing. Camille had grown up a huge ferrari fan, so always enjoyed hearing stories from charles. Lola thought it was was so sweet of Charles to spend his time with Camille and tell her all these stories. He would even bring her ferrari merch back from races when he could get his hands on some, and even gave her his own cap once. They all checked their bags in then headed through security and into the terminal.

Lola trailed at the back of the group, still half asleep. She felt an arm make its way around her shoulders and she looked up to see Arthur there smiling down at her.
"tired amour?" he asked with a grin
she smiled back up at him
"very" she said leaning her head into his side as they walked
she felt him chuckle before he spoke again.
"you can have a nap on the plane. what seat are you in?"
she stopped to check her ticket
Arthur couldn't believe his luck. he held up his ticket and grinned.
"24B. looks like your not getting rid of me anytime soon"
lola playfully rolled her eyes before leaning into him again as they walked towards the gate.

camilleroux via stories

arthur_leclerc via stories

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arthur_leclerc via stories

charles_leclerc via stories

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charles_leclerc via stories

charles_leclerc via stories

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


The flight went by faster than expected for Lola. She slept for an hour or so, but then for the rest of the flight she had a blast with Arthur, them just gossiping most of the time. Camille was sat on the other side of Arthur but slept from takeoff to landing. Charles and Louis were sat behind them, and she could hear how well they got along. It was so cute. When they landed in Mykonos, they got their luggage and got transport to the villa as quick as possible.

When they arrived, Lola was in awe at the place charles had managed to get for them. It was a beautiful villa with a view of the beach from the back. It had a swimming pool and deckchairs out the back patio doors. The living space was very modern but very relaxed. Upstairs there were 6 bedroom. One for Lola, one for Arthur, one for Charles, one for lorenzo, one for Pascale, one for Lola's parents and a room with two beds, which the twins would be sharing. Of course, Lola ended up in the bedroom between Arthur and Charles. Classic move from them two. She nipped in and changed into something more appropriate for the weather before heading out into the back, where everyone had already gathered.

The twins and Lorenzo were already in the pool, while the parents were lay on subbed talking amongst themselves. Arthur and Charles were in the kitchen getting drinks. She decided to head over to them.

"I know it's only been one race but this is the break i needed" she said as she approached them.
The boys both giggled when they saw her approach and heard her comment.
"no matter how many races you've done, family time is always a good reset" charles said smiling
Arthur simply nodded in agreement to what Charles said.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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