"Medvídek?" Tanya called out, pulling Koda from her painful thoughts. She looks at the blonde, seeing worry in her eyes.

                    "I'm fine, Titi," Koda said, trying to put her best smile on. Tanya could tell the young girl was lying but couldn't help but smile at the nickname Koda had given to her.

                    "Then we should meet up with the others and head out. We wouldn't want to be late for your sister's birthday party," Tanya explained.

                    After a few hours, Koda and the rest of the coven, including Irina, Eleazar, and his mate Carmen run through the forest. Irina's hair was pale blonde, almost silver. This was the gleam that had caught many human and vampire eyes. Her hair hung straight as a ruler to a blunt edge at her chin, parted evenly down the center. Irina was the tallest of the Denali sisters but still a few inches shorter than Koda. Eleazar was two inches taller than Irina with short jet-black hair and a light olive hue to his pale skin due to his Spanish heritage. He has the same topaz eyes as all 'vegetarian' vampires, and his angular features make him very handsome, like Antonio Banderas. Koda had brought up the same subject with Eleazar before, and she was sure if he could have blushed, he would have been bright red. It didn't help that Kate had busted out laughing when Koda had tried talking him into buying the Zorro outfit. It was his unique ability to feel the gifts of other vampires instinctively. His ability brought Koda's slumbering power to the light. He called her ability curse-breaker and explained that it is an ability capable of neutralizing a supernatural through either touch or mind shield. Still, such power took a great deal of energy, leaving Koda relatively weak afterward. Now Eleazar's mate Carmen was the shortest in the coven, but her loving personality was larger than life. She has dark brown hair and a hint of an olive hue to her chalky complexion, like her husband. Carmen also had similar topaz eyes like the rest of the coven.

                    The group entered the Olympic Peninsula with Koda leading them, but Kate's excitement and mischievous personality got the best of her. She suddenly speeds past Koda and right into Quileute territory. "Kat!" Koda yelled out worriedly and chased after the blonde. But as she gains ground and is just about to grab Kate, her ears pick up the sound of paws. Just then, a black wolf the size of a horse but more muscular, with dagger-like incisors and dark blue eyes, leaps out from some bushes, aiming for Kate. Koda suddenly appears between them and backhands the wolf, sending it crashing into some trees with a loud crack. The wolf cries out as it slumps into the dirt but is instantly back up, letting out a grisly snarl. A deep growl rumbles in Koda's chest at the wolf's challenge. The bear within her wanted to put the mutt in its place, but she kept it in check. "We aren't your enemy.... My friend here doesn't know where the territory lines are. She meant no disrespect," Koda explained calmly. The wolf snarled at first but instantly grew silent. Koda's head snapped towards some trees behind the wolf when an all too familiar scent hit her nose. Leah walks out from behind the trees in her human form. The she-wolf's once long, sleek black hair was now short, just barely reaching past her jawline. At that moment, Kate instantly knew who the native was by how tense Koda's body became at just seeing Leah. The blonde fought the urge to glare at the native woman for throwing away a chance to be with someone as amazing as Koda. If Kate had that chance, she would have never let Koda out of her embrace. Leah looks at Koda with a hint of longing, but it disappears at the sight of Kate and the rest of the coven behind her on the other side of the territory line.

                    "You disappear for three months, then return with more leaches?" Leah asked in disgust.

                    "They are the Cullens extended family. They are just here to celebrate my sister's birthday and welcome her to the family," Koda explained in an emotionless tone. The black wolf growls at the mention of the Cullen's. Kate grabs the back of Koda's shirt, catching Leah's attention. The she-wolf gives the blonde a murderous look. Koda looks at the wolf, and her eyes glow a mix of bright green and gold for a split second. An overwhelming aura surrounds the wolf, causing it to whimper and shrink back in fear with its tail between its legs.

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