"Oi, the Colonel needs help moving boxes," Charlie shouts. I see Gaz, Soap, and Roach turn and drop their things to help.

Charlie grabs my arms drags me to the boxes and hands one to me, "He's trying to bully you," Charlie whispers as he picks up a box.

"I know."

"Hey, you improved." Charlie smiles as we walk past the three other sergeants. Charlie gives them a quick fist bump, as they pass us.

"What's going on?"

"We know he's targeting you so at least one of us gonna be around you."

"I don't need your protection."

"Monkey, we're doing this to get under his skin." I slightly nod my head and we continue to walk.

It only took two rounds for all the boxes to be moved, to the annoyance of König we did it rather quickly and with high spirits. He might not notice, but the sergeants weren't letting me out of their sight.

Price gathered us all to a small makeshift HQ this military base allotted us. It was another rundown of the plan. We will be moving through Eastern Europe and through the stronghold of the ultranationalist terrorists. There are a few whispers of Makarov in Eastern Europe. I nod along and pick up my bags. We'll be off.

"Are you ready?" Soap asks me.

"A little... a little stress but it's part of the work," I mumble, Gaz drops his hand onto my hand with a pat.

"We'll keep you safe."

"More like I'll be keeping you safe," The two chuckles before Gaz's eyes widen and a small smirk graces his lips.

"They don't know." Soap and I turn to him a little confused.

"Your little secret." Soap smirk and a little chuckle leaves his lips.

"You're right."

"Neither does Roach," I state.

"We should tell him—"

"No, he has to be like everyone else." I grab the two by the arm, "It's half the experience." I tell them.

"It's Roach our friend."

"I don't give people special treatment; you can tell him to brace himself, but you can't tell him everything I can do." Soap looks at me and nods.

"It is an experience..."

"I hate to deprive him of that experience," Gaz slightly smirks. "We'll warn him."

"What are you three doing?" The colonel walks into the room. We look over and I let my face full flat, no expression, wax smooth and placid.

"Planning," I tell him the truth. He glares at me.

"Get moving!"

"Yessir," Gaz mumbles picking up his stuff and waiting for me and Soap to follow along.

"We are leaving them in the dark?" Soap mumbles.

"Of course," I side-eyed him with a creeping smile.

"What are you three smiling about?" Charlie asks standing next to Roach and Ghost.

"Her little trick?" Soap chuckles as we walk towards the truck.

'What trick?' Roach immediately asks.

"You'll see," Charlie looks slightly down at Roach. Roach turns to Soap, Gaz, me, and then Ghost. Ghost moves to speak up until Soap pulls him to the side.

'What's going on?' Roach signs to me and Charlie. Charlie ignored him and kept walking so he turned to me.

'What's your opinion of Kortac?' I sign back.

'I don't like the Colonel... I don't remember his name—'


'He's rude and clearly trying to bully you. Just because you're different. He probably do it to me if you weren't here.' I pat him on the shoulders.

'Just watch it's going to be... it's going to be a scream to die for.' I sign with a little pun. I can't lie I do like stupid little jokes if they're funny.

"Alright soldiers—"

"Marines!" Charlie shouts out.

"— and Marines," Price sighs looking at us with slight exhaustion. "This is going to be a long few months." I nod. God help me, let me please hold ONTO my sanity! Let me hold onto my patience!

Let me not have a breakdown around people I barely know!

I kill myself if I did.

Author note: Very important! Please help me pick! important for later!

Two Voids

Day Break

Thread of Hope

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