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Content warning: discussion of death and grief, war/violence, plague


I can't get over how Queen Scorpion looks at me when we talk: like an adult. Like someone deserving of respect and attention. Maybe like someone to be feared a little too.

Has anyone ever looked at me that way?

She listens carefully as I tell her about her city, and how the past few months have seen it kind of on fire. We're inside Jerboa's old tent, back in the Gifted's camp. I took the two queens back here to regroup while we stage our next attack. Anaconda isn't here right now, though–she's talking with one of her generals.

"Why make this your problem?" Scorpion asks abruptly. "What compelled you to do that?"

"What is this, an interview?" I retort before I remember I probably shouldn't say things like that to royalty. "It just seemed like the right thing to do."

"I don't buy that. Plenty of dragons have that thought, but it takes something more to follow through. What's motivating you, Shadowhunter?"

Her deep brown eyes are sharp and piercing, and the scars littered across her body tell me she's survived the plague, and a few battles too. This dragon doesn't seem like royalty–but just being around her, I instantly feel moved to respect her.

"Sharp-eyes tore apart my kingdom and my family. I won't let him do the same to you."

Scorpion raises her eyebrows.

"Revenge. You remind me of your mother, Shadowhunter of the NightWings."

My mom? Really?

I've heard stories about us visiting the Sand Kingdom when I was little, but I don't remember it.

"I'm sorry about your family. I know how hard that is," Scorpion says.

Should I tell her Dragonfly is here?

I don't want to divert the queen's attention. She'll find him eventually.

"I should thank you. Truly," the queen continues. "You've done more than I have to stop Sharp-eyes from taking my kingdom."

"It wasn't just me," I offer. "I have help–my girlfriend, Permafrost, I could never have done this without her. There's Ember and Aloe too–they're not here right now, but they've helped a lot. I'm only the leader because Jerboa told everyone I was a god."

Scorpion nods.

"Did you ever meet a dragon called Gaze? We were travelling together when Jerboa took me. We were supposed to make it to the palace, but..."

"Oh, yes," Scorpion says with a small smile. "She took Epiphany, too. They went back to the Night Kingdom. I met your little brother and his friend, too. She was worried about you–I think she felt a great deal of responsibility that all of you made it back all right."

I wonder what Gaze would think if she could see me now. I miss the nights we spent together in the desert and their fleeting sense of freedom. I remember it like a half-forgotten dream.

Queen Anaconda walks in. She strikes a match, reigniting a candle that must have flickered out in the wind.

"Hello, Shadowhunter. Scorpion. Did I miss anything?"

Scorpion makes room beside her at the dining table. "Nothing of importance."

Anaconda bows her head politely when our eyes meet, and it takes me a moment to remember to do the same. "Shadowhunter–I haven't seen you since you were small," she says, with a hint of a smile. "Your brother is... charming. He convinced me to come out here, somehow." She chuckles.

Master of None: A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now