Chapter 2

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Maria POV

I finally reach the office where I'm supposed to get a key for my room and my schedule. I walk up to the desk with an old lady behind and say "I'm here to get my key and schedule".

"Of course dear, what's your name?".

"Maria Lewis" I respond.

"Ms Lewis" she says to herself while typing something on her computer. "Ahh here we are. Room 317 and I can see your roommate already checked in".

"M-My roommate" I stutter. I had totally forgotten I would have a roommate. They most definitely already hate me.

"Yes, your roommate. Here is your key and this folder includes your schedule and all you need to know". She smiles while giving me the keys and the folder, then looks back at her computer.

Time to find my room I guess.

Before finding my room I go back through the halls to the parking lot. I walk over to my car and get the two boxes I have packed for college. I stack them on top of each other making it hard to see where I'm going.

I eventually find my room and struggle to get the key out of my pocket. Finally I manage to get the key out and unlock the door.

As soon as I walk through the door someone comes running into the entrance. "You must be my roommate. I have been so excited to meet you" says a sweet girl voice. The voice seems kinda familiar, but I can't quite place it.

"Hi" I mumble knowing she probably isn't gonna be so excited when she sees who I am.

"I have already occupied one of the rooms, so you can have the other. We can also switch if you want to".

"I'm sure it's fine" I say enjoying someone actually being nice to me for the first time since the pamphlet. Even though I know it's only because she can see my face because of the boxes.

"Let me show you to your room. Oh and let me help you with those boxes" She says taking one of the boxes and turning around without even looking at me. I can't see her face while following her, only her long dark hair, her black leggings and her blue hoodie. We reach the room and set down the boxes at the same time. She turns around and we look at each other for the first time since I walked into this college.

I'm scared and in total shock. Of all people why her.

Why Eliza.

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