"Pardon that rude ass brother of mine, he should be helping you" Ivan said, as he grabbed Izzy's car seat, at the moment Izzy was sleep.

"Apparently I slept with the wrong brother" Fatima said jokingly, but loud enough for Ian to hear her and stormed off into the house.

Fatima had said hello to everybody that was on the front porch, then she headed off inside. Some of the family that was there will be meeting Fatima and Izzy for the first time.

"FATIMA" Ms. Margaret shouted, one thing about her she loved her some Fatima.

"Mama M, how are you" Fatima asked sweetly. The two of them shared a brief hug, before Fatima pulled away. "I am well, thank you for bring my grandbaby"

"Anytime, anytime. I'm sorry I would of bring something if I knew it was a some type of party going on" Said Fatima

"You and my granddaughter being here is just enough, make yourself at home" She said, and Fatima did.

With the loudness, and the music playing Izzy didn't waste no time waking up, first person she went to was her grandmother , Fatima knew she was in good hands when it come to Ms. Margaret.

Fatima went out back where the rest of the family was including Ian, he was sitting at the table alone drinking his beer, Fatima made her way over to him and sat down.

" We need to be on one accord when it comes to our daughter" Fatima spoke.

"If you don't want to be in her life, cool. That's fine with me, but all this walking in and out of her life shit is not cool Ian that shit stops now" she added.

"I do my part as a fucking father, what is you talking about Fatima?" He asked madly, she could tell he was in his little mood.

"You couldn't even help me get your daughter out the car, but that's you doing your part?" She asked curiously, she couldn't believe the words that was just coming out his mouth.

"You asked me to get her new carseat, I got that. You asked me for $1500 for her fall clothes, I give you that. Who just paid off her hospital bill? Me. Anything you ask me to do when it comes to Iz, I do it. So yes I'm doing my damn part Fatima" He scolded.

"What about actually spending time with her? You think you doing the BARE MINIMUM is being a great father to her? Like Thank you for being 14% of good dad" She said with a sarcastic tone.

" You missed the birth of our daughter, because you was out doing lords knows what" She vented. "You can't even watch her past 24 hours if that's you doing "your part as a dad" sign me the fuck up"

"Why is you doing this at my mother house? You just want to argue with me Fatima, and we not doing that" He said.

Only reason Fatima chose this time to have the conversation with him is because she knew his temper, she wanted his family to see how angry and disrespectful he got when he's mad.

" I want you to man the fuck up, I'm tired of the games I really am" Fatima said.

" Everything okay over here?" Ian's aunt had interrupted, politely but Ian had got up and walked away.

"Typical ian, he could never just have a civil conversation without all the extra nonsense" Fatima said.

" He just has a lot going on, just give him some time. You know how he gets" Said Aunt Mary.

" No, he knows exactly what he be doing, I'm tired of always having to give him "some time" when it comes to my daughter"

Before Aunt Mary could say anything else, Fatima had jumped up when she heard Izzy screaming her lungs out.

" WHAT HAPPENED " Fatima yelled, busting through the back door, Izzy's mouth was bleeding. She didn't see the blood until Issac moved his arm out the way.

"WHAT THE FUCK, WHY THE FUCK IS MY CHILD BLEEDING?" She yelled again, grabbing Izzy from out of Izzy's aunts arm, to comfort her.

"Fatima, relax." Ivan said, "Please don't fucking tell me to relax when my child mouth is fucking bleeding and I'm asking what the fuck happened, and nobody not saying NOTHING" She spat.

"She was running, and tripped over the bottle, please don't make it seem like somebody is hurting your child Fatima" Miracle said.

Miracle was her brother's keeper, so no matter what she always was taking up for her brother, whether he was right or wrong and Fatima couldn't stand it, you would think Miracle was fucking her brother the way she acts over him, wise word from Danni.

"I asked a question, never did I assume. Stay in your lane Miracle" Fatima said stern.

"Chill" Ian said, he already knew between Fatima mouth, and his sister mouth it wasn't gone be good.

Fatima took Izzy to the bedroom to clean her up, Ian looked at Miracle and she just rolled her eyes.

"I don't know why you looking at me like that, you couldn't have choose any other person to have a baby with?" she questioned.

" Miracle " Ms. Margret said sternly. Miracle had turned around giving her mother eye contact, "Yes mother?" She said.

" Fatima has done absolutely nothing to you, in this house you will respect her. That is your niece mother. Go apologize now"

"Mom, no. Y'all just be okay with the shit she be doing. Why don't nobody care that she keeps Izzy away from us? When Izzy was BORN, WE couldn't even see her. So momma no disrespect I'm not apologize to that girl"

"Miracle real shit chill with all that, none of this has nothing to do with you" Ian said, he didn't want the truth of him cheating to get out.

"Should I tell them? Or should you?" Fatima said walking back into the kitchen area where everyone was standing.

"Tell us what?" Ivan asked confused, at this moment the music had stopped playing, and everyone stopped in their tracks.

"Is Izzy okay?" Ian said trying to change the subject, but he was sincerely concerned.

" You know what, this ain't my type of thing. I'm gone head out for I have to put bitches head through the wall" Fatima said, she grabbed Izzy's things and headed out the door, Ms. Margret tried to go after her but she wasn't moving fast enough.

"Ian Joshua Williams, whatever you and Fatima has going on fix that situation now" She said in a serious tone, Ian knew she was not playing with him.

"Yes mama" was all Ian said.

He walked outside where Fatima was putting Izzy in her car seat. Ian went over to help her, well tried to help her. "Ian fucking move" She snapped. "Fatima let me help you please" He said.

"I said fucking move, don't try and help me now. I'm over all this shit. If I don't see a change in your actions I'm making that fucking move" The last thing Fatima said, after getting Izzy situated in the car, she got her self in and speeded off.

Ian just watched her as she drove off , by the tone of her voice he knew she was no longer putting up with his shit.

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