part 1 - the first mission

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I was just minding my business in my room watching skibidi toilet 60 when I got knocked out. When I woke up I was in a cell and I felt... different I was taller that was for certain. And I was wereing a suit black pants black shoes and black/gray gloves. I also felt something on my back like a backpack a very heavy one like there were alot/heavy stuff in there.

Suddenly I hear a voice over the speaker.

"hello tvman #158".

it was in reverse but I could understand it somehow. The voice comes back.

"wellcome you have just been made but due to low resources we can only make one of you". [this takes place in episode 30] "but we can upgrade/fix you if nessasry but to get upgrades you have to prove that you are useful".

A door opens.

"it's time to go on your first mission there will be a skibidi toilet base you must take out all of the skibidi toilets there".

I walk out and go to the place they told me to go to but on the way there saw a big skibidi toilet. At this moment I figured out I was a big tvman and took out my back tvs and used the white light on them causing them to die by explosion.

"Heh I could get used to this".

I thought it was in reverse of course.

[I don't talk to people alot because I have 🌟SOCIAL ANXIETY🌟].

"Hmmm this should be the place" I said.

"so I just have to go in there and use my tvs".


I barge open the door and activate my white light killing all the skibidi toilets there.

"Dang I new I was strong but not that strong".

I put away my back tvs

"Ok now I have to get back to the base.... oh yeah I can teleport".

I teleported back to the base and I see a regular tvman and wave.


and then they waved back. I set down all of the materials I got from the mission down [it was a lot] it could probably make more of me alot more. I continued walking through the base as scientist tvman uses the parts to make something way bigger then me bit I'm not gonna question it so I walk out of the base and I go back to the toilet base to look for technology for the alience when I find a phone device thingy but while I was trying to figure out what it was a man appeared on the screen.

"I'm sorry but you know too much about the real world outside of this and what's going to happen in the future".

The screen turns super green and my head starts hurting alot as I drop the phone breaking it and then I faint and when I wake up I pick up the phone and look at it and through the cracks I see the words.

"Nobody can know about the future episodes".

As I stare at the phone I ask myself one thing...

"What's a episode?".

As I leave the toilet base with the device wondering what he was talking about it's weird what's a episode and why can't anyone know about it super weird and who was that I think I called him boom or Bob or bomb or something like that anyways I go back to the base and go to the repair station because my screen cracked when I got up I must have fallen and hit my head or something because this isn't normal. When I got to the repair station the scientists were worried because I had been gone for about 4-5 hours I told them what happened and gave them the device and they said that they were going to look into it more instead of just leaving it because its obviously something bad (just to clarify there's only 4 scientist tvmen so i'll just call them scientist tvman 1 scientist tvman 2 scientist tvman 3 and scientist tvman 4) scientist tvman 3 set the device down and started fixing me while the other scientists checked out the device because I was the only one in the repair station the scientists fixed the screen of the device and a list of commands popped up and there were the names of all the people I've met and more when the scientist clicked on me then fix I instantly got fixed but then the device caught on fire and burnt to a crisp.

After getting repaired I leave the repair station and get told that I have another mission so I leave the base and go to a large skibidi toilet base to get some documents usbs folders secrets basically whatever I can find and if I find any upgrades I can take some and bring the rest back to the base so I kill a scientist toilet with a keycard and scan the keycard and I go into the base.

My Time As A Large TvmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang