Chapter 5

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"Wait," I said impatiently, "you're awhat?"

"Oh," Jeremiah said. "I should've told you earlier." He frowned down at his hands, turning his left over in his right, carefully eyeing the white skin.

"Uh, yeah, you should've. This changes everything." I shook my head softly.
"Amber, I'm sorry, I know that I should have told you. Are you mad? Oh, you're mad."

"Jeremiah, I'm not mad! You're like this ultimate bad boy, I mean, people are terrified of you."

"Yes, but there's not exactly a definition of bad boy material, is there?"

"Yeah," I said. "You."

"Ahh, that's what everyone thinks, but I changed all of that. It's behind me."

"So, you're telling me that...well...after the past that you've had, that you became a cellist? A cellist?"

"Is that a problem? I don't see how it changed anything."
"Jeremiah, that's my favorite instrument! You have to play for me!" Before I could finish my sentence, Jeremiah's phone rang and he pressed a cold finger to my lips as he answered it.

"Hello?" The person on the other end spoke quickly.

"Of course, we'll be there very soon...thank you..." He locked his phone and shoved it back into his pocket as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his car.

"Jeremiah, what's wrong? What happened?" I demanded.

"That was my father," he started. He slammed the doors and shoved the key into the ignition. The car was in motion before the engine started, it seemed. At a very high speed, he fled the place where I'd learned his secret, where I learned I loved someone who wasn't alive.

"Jeremiah!" I screeched.

"Uh, uh, I," he continued stuttering and set a cold, white hand onto his forehead.


"It was your grandparents. They uh, um..."

"Tell me!" I yelled blinking tears back into my eyes.

"Okay, Amber, they were on their way home from the grocery store, and your grandfather was driving...Amber, they didn't see the semi...They were t-boned...I..." I did as best I could to keep my emotions in check, but as soon as we pulled into the parking lot I was sobbing. I was hysterical. Jeremiah rushed over to my door and yanked it open, and pulled me out of it. He had to carry me into the hospital and into the waiting room. My flip-flop fell off in the parking lot. I didn't care.

"Is this Miss Graby?" a nurse asked. Jeremiah nodded grimly and set me on my feet. The dark skinned nurse waved a man in a long white jacket over.

"Hello, Miss Graby, I'm Dr. Tanla..." the man began. "I'm very sorry for your loss...there was nothing we could do for either one of them. I'm sorry." He nodded at Jeremiah before walking away. Jeremiah pulled me against him.

"No!" I screamed. "Don't touch me! Go! Leave me alone! Don't touch me!" Tears spilled onto my face and clouded my vision. The last thing I remember was the hurt look on his face... and that I had found my third thing...

I woke to the sound of laughter. I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid it was only another dream. I pulled myself onto my elbows and looked at my surroundings. I was cold.

"Hi," I squeaked to Jeremiah, whom I found sitting next to me. Blayde flew out of the room.

"Hey," he said. My heart sank when I realized he didn't use my nickname.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I was thinking about you," he replied tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. His hand lingered against my neck.

"Oh," I said, my heart sinking further.

"Cheer up, young peach." Jeremiah lifted my chin with his cold hand. A shiver ran down my spine and he gave me a sad smile.
"Seriously, Jeremiah, what's wrong?"

"You don't remember," he said sadly.
"Remember what? Jeremiah, what are you talking about?" He shook his head.
"Nothing, young peach. How do you feel?"
"How do I feel? What kind of question is that, Jeremiah? My grandparents died yesterday! I have nobody!" The pain in his eyes matched the intensity of pain in me.

"Look, I'm sorry...I've had so many things..." tears threaten me. "All taken away... If you thought...that you could just... fix me, it's not going to work!" I'm sobbing by now. "I'm not some car that you can fix up!" He wrapped a cold arm behind my back.
"Nobody's trying to fix you, Amber." I curled into his chest and stained his shirt again, with my tears.

"I love you, I love you, I love you..." he whispered into my ear.

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