𝒱▬𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓁

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 𝕬𝖓𝖎'𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖛:

I had always believed that my love for Padme would endure forever, unwavering in its intensity. She was the beacon of my heart, the one who had ignited a fire within me that I had never known before. But fate, in its cruel design, had torn her away from me, leaving me with an empty void that seemed impossible to fill.

When the days passed following Eilidh's disappearance, I could sense myself growing distant from everything, including my own heart. A veil of darkness descended upon my soul, the weight of loss and unanswered questions weighing me down. A void had taken hold, engendering a sense of self-loathing and anger that I couldn't seem to shake off, no matter what I did.

Yet, with Eilidh now by my side, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of joy, knowing that she was safe and assisting me in navigating my tumultuous emotions. She understood me far better than Padme ever did, her presence a soothing balm to my wounded spirit. Of course, my love for the queen still lingered, albeit in a diminished state. The image of us being together slowly fades away, like a distant memory fighting against the tide of time.

However, as I gazed upon Eilidh entering my modest Padawan quarters, a radiant smile adorning her face like a breathtaking sunset, all other thoughts vanished. My sole focus became basking in her presence, feeling the warmth of her energy filling the walls of my chamber. The room, once devoid of meaning, now sparkled with life and possibilities.

When the Council dismissed us, I managed to secure permission for Eilidh to stay with me, despite their disapproval. The young woman with light brown hair was not one to be easily deterred. She, too, believed in the connection we shared, recognizing the profound impact we had on each other's lives. She had become my rock, my guiding light in these troubled times.

As I closed the metallic door behind us, a sense of nervousness washed over me at the prospect of having a female companion in my room. Although it may sound trivial to some, the rules and traditions of the Jedi Order loomed over us, forbidding any form of romantic or personal relationships. But Eilidh was an exception, for reasons that were manifold.

Eilidh was not just any woman; she was my trusted ally and confidante. We had fought side by side in countless battles, her unwavering loyalty and unyielding courage earning her a special place in my heart. The Jedi Council, recognizing the unique bond we shared, had granted her permission to enter my room, to be at my side when the darkness threatened to consume me.
Still, the weight of tradition and the fear of judgment lingered in the back of my mind. What would the other Jedi think if they found out? Would they condemn our connection, brand us as traitors to the Order? As I glanced at Eilidh, her eyes filled with understanding and acceptance, I knew that our connection transcended the rules of the Jedi.

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