eight // deeper

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and now i see you, oh, 'cause your backs against the wall and finally you're mine, you're mine.

[ dirt room - blue october - approaching normal album ]

"fuck," i spit out as i yank on the ropes that hold me against the wall but it hurts too much so i have to stop. i'm not even touching the ground, he has me floating, tied against the wall through holes. he gashed my arms and they hurt more than anything right now.

the basement door opens and harry comes in. "well, well, well. look what daddy found in your coat pocket?" he holds my phone in his hand, twirling it around.

"i would like to read some of your messages aloud, yeah?" i nod weakly. "this one was to callie? cute name. lets see. shes a cheerleader?"


"cute. heres something interesting. whos troy?"

"a boy i go to school with."

"hey, babe. i miss you so much." he reads what troy sent me and smirks angrily. "what time do you wanna go to the movies?"

he looks up at me with his arms crossed as he reads some more. when he decides to stop reading, he questions me. "what happened at the movies, lily?"

"we watched a movie." i say obviously.

"hmmph," he comes closer. "it says here, and i quote, i had such an amazing time with you. cant wait til next weekend, baby. with a fucking winky face at the end."

"we didn't do anything, i swear," i say softly. he grabs a pocket knife from his back pocket and holds it up against my thigh.

"swear on what?"

i don't answer for a while, just bite my lip and hope he backs away. "we-we made out. and i let him touch my chest. thats all."

"uh huh." he digs the knife deep into my thigh and glides it across my skin. i scream in pain, tears running down my cheeks. "i'm barely even applying pressure."

he brings the knife to my other thigh and softly grazes my skin. he jabs me, but not deep.

"it gets me off watching you suffer and bleed out."

"yeah?" i say through choked sobs. "tell me, harry. when did you first get into this kind of stuff?"

"when i was about your age." he smirks and wipes off the knife with his t-shirt. he sniffles hard and coughs. "when did you first start becoming a whore?"

"i guess i'm just a born natural."

"you know you're the only girl who has ever got an attitude back with me." he cuts the ropes and i fall to my knees. i find my strength and cry, bringing myself up on my feet.

"good old me." he pins me against the wall and traces my collarbone with the knife; i don't flinch. i grab the knife by the blade and press it hard against the skin of my neck. "just kill me."

"you're so stunning. it's hard to comprehend what i'm looking at," i let go and i feel blood start to trickle down my collarbone as he glides it gently across the side of my neck. i choke a little bit and he pulls back. he brings the knife to his mouth as he licks the blade, on each side, clean. he closes his eyes as he savors the taste of my blood.

he kisses me softly on the nose then drops the knife. "i find something about you trying to be dominant super cute. and that angers me."

he slams his hand against a button on the wall in front of me and i go spinning into a dark room, screaming.

"harry! harry, please!" i bang against the wall. "daddy!" i sob and the lights flip on.

i turn around to see a man with a mask on, sharpening a knife. his head turns upon me and he waves. creepily. i shake my head violently and pound against the door.

"don't be so scared," a deep, thick Irish accent booms throughout the room. i look at the man sharpening the knife.

"who are you?" i question him. i've never met anyone with a voice like that.

"guess." he walks over to me with the knife at his side. "guess." he repeats.

"i don't-" he pushes me roughly against the wall. he comes closer and points the knife at my stomach.

"do you not know what the word guess fucking means?" he snaps. i let out a small whimper.

"i do, i do. i'm sorry. have i ever met you?"

he nods and lifts up my shirt with the blade, showing off my stomach.

"through harry?"

"yes. now stop asking fucking questions or i swear to god, i will slaughter you right here." he removes his mask and throws it across the room.

"why are you doing this?" i say my eyes closed tightly.

"open your eyes baby." my eyes crack open slowly and i see niall standing in front of me.

"i thought you didn't talk.." he shrugs.

"i do as i please." he puts the knife in his back pocket. "you know what that means?"

"does it mean you're going to rape me like he did?" i say emotionless as i feel him push his crotch into mine.

"no, rape isn't my thing. thats harry's."

"oh. yeah," i bite my lip. "are you going to kill me?"

a smirk runs deep on his face as he looks into my eyes. "i don't know. am i?"


idk how i feel about this chapter???

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