The Civilians

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Bambom (🚫🖌️)

He pretty much looks the same but with a few differences. He and Ringi have friendship bracelets, and he has a pin on his shirt that has a shark on it, and he has a shark beanie that he occasionally wears. He also wants to be a marine biologist when he grows up.

Ringi (🚫🖌️)

He pretty much looks the same but he has a bite mark on his hand from a sea creature, and his cat died after drowning in the flood. He's still sad about it to this day.

Bendu (🚫🖌️)

He pretty much looks the same except his keyboard looks more like an actual keyboard, he got that one because his other one broke while he was playing on it. One of his eyes are missing due to a previous encounter with Expunged.

Will update when I add more citizens (that's if I don't forget)

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