The General Info

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Here is where the general info will be marked.

The story basically

On May 12th, 20XX, the ocean mysteriously flooded the earth. And thankfully, everyone was prepared thanks to scientists that have discovered unusual activity with the sea levels (not everyone survived sadly). A few days after the earth was wiped of any evidence of land, the citizens had no choice but to adapt to the current environment around them. This state of the Earth is irreversible and some certain creatures start coming back from extinction.

The Sunlight Zone

The Sunlight Zone (scientifically known as the Epipelagic Zone) is the first level of the ocean and there is the most ocean life around here. The Sunlight Zone extends from the surface to 200 meters deep. And there's also a lot of civilians there, all of them are in a large building known as "The Epipelagic Community", a community with many civilizations with a population of 25,000 people.

The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone (scientifically known as the Mesopelagic Zone) is below the Epipelagic Zone extending from 200 meters to 1,000 meters. Wildlife also lurks in this zone, but not as much as the Sunlight Zone. There is one known civilization here as of now.

The Midnight Zone

The Midnight Zone (scientifically known as the Bathypelagic Zone) is below the Mesopelagic Zone from 1,000 meters to 4,000 meters. Some wildlife resides in this zone, but less than the Twilight Zone and the Sunlight Zone. There are two known civilizations in this zone, they usually travel by submarine to avoid being crushed or injured by the water pressure.

The Abyss

The Abyss (scientifically known as the Abyssopelagic Zone) is below the Bathypelagic Zone extending from 4,000 meters to 6,000 meters. Very little sea life lives here, almost nothing has changed in this zone. There are no civilizations within this zone.

The Zone of No Return

Apparently, the flood may have added an extra zone to the ocean levels. This zone is below the Abyssopelagic Zone extending from 6,000 meters to 10,000 meters. Something lurks here, and we do not know what it is.

Update: No one returns from this place after they go in, so the name for it is the Zone of No Return.

The Trenches

The Trenches are below the Zone of No Return extending from 10,000 meters to 11,000 meters. Little to no wildlife resides in this zone, and there are no civilizations.



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