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3rd POV

Taesan couldn't let Junghwa get away with what she had done, almost ruining the relationship he had so waited to have? She would pay.

Junghwa 💀

I heard you went to my bf with some bullshit you pulled out of your ass.
Go talk shit about someone else.
You know damn well I would never do something along the lines of what you said I did.
Get your shit together bitch
I know you're jealous because you can't have me
That doesn't give you any right to go off and try to ruin my relationship
Fuck we just got together
And you already want to break us off??
And you thought that would make me want to go to you??
Be fucking for real
Go seek some help
You need it

I'm sorry?
First of all who are you calling a bitch
And who told you I did it because I wanted you 😂
I am long over you
And I realize how bad of a decision was liking you
I did it as revenge after you humiliated me after rejecting me
Get some of your own medicine 🤷🏽‍♀️

And you thought that would work why??
LeeHan and I are doing just fine
We fixed all the misunderstandings
Go somewhere else to spread bullshit about someone else
You thought it would work
It backfired 😂

We'll see how that goes

Junghwa tried so hard to make Taesan look like the bad guy. She went ahead and told a bunch of people about how he was a horrible person that was using LeeHan, he even told their friend group.

Nobody believed her, plus LeeHan and Taesan went ahead to disprove everything she was saying, their relationship was perfectly fine, and they had their friends backing them up. Everyone at the high school started to hate Junghwa, all her friends were leaving her because of how toxic she was.

Junghwa:- How dare you try to ruin my life? -

Taesan:- What are you talking about? You did it to yourself, you were the one making up lies. -

Junghwa:- But you didn't have to put the whole school against me. -

LeeHan:- Again. You did it to yourself, trying to make him look bad. Go away, we want nothing to do with you. -

Junghwa:- Oh no. You won't leave unharmed from this. -

She swung her whole body towards Taesan, trying to hit him and tackle him to the ground. Taesan jumped back so she wouldn't hit him, LeeHan also stepped in the middle of the way so she wouldn't hurt his boyfriend. After she managed to get off the ground where she had landed because Taesan had stepped back, she tried to swing at him again but Sungho and Jaehyun held her back.

Sungho:- Don't even try to lay hands on them, it'll go worse for you than it will go for them. -

Jaehyun:- Yeah, fuck off. You don't want more trouble that what you're in already. -

Junghwa:- Let go of me. I'll tell the principal you threatened with hitting me. -

Riwoo:- Go ahead. We'll tell him you were spreading lies and misinformation about our friend and you also tried beating him up.

Junghwa didn't care about what Riwoo warned her about, and still went to tell the principal. The six got right back at her and after the principal had learnt what she did, she got suspended and a conditional tuition, she probably wouldn't come back next year.

After that, the group went out for some food as a celebration and after Taesan went to LeeHan's house so they could hang out for a while.

Revenge is a plate better served when cold 🤭

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