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3rd POV

Taesan and LeeHan spent the weekend talking on the phone more time that they had spent talking the past few months since they became friends, talking about how excited they were to see each other again on Monday, how school was gonna be much better now that they were together.

Taesan arrived at the high school on Monday, feeling kinda nervous and the butterflies of seeing his now boyfriend, completely sober and openly where people could and will see them. As he was standing there, talking to Jaehyun before classes started, he felt someone grab his waist and hug him from behind.

LeeHan:- Good morning pretty boy, how are you today? -

After hearing his boyfriend's voice he turned around to be able to hug him properly.

Taesan:- Good morning! I'm doing great, how about you? -

LeeHan:- Me too now that I've seen you. -

Those words made Taesan blush a little.

Jaehyun:- Wow. You're cheesier than Woonhak and me and I thought that was impossible. -

LeeHan:- Good morning to you too Jaehyun. - he said while laughing at his comment.

As they stood there Woonhak, Riwoo, and Sungho joined, the three of them had gone to print something for a class of Woonhak's.

Woonhak:- Oh hey look! It's the new couple, you guys look so cute. -

Sungho:- The word spreads really fast. Soon enough the whole school will know about y'all. -

Riwoo:- Yeah, y'all look really cute though, so if anyone says anything they're probably just jealous. -

LeeHan:- I don't really care if people find out, it's not like I wanna hide our relationship. -

Taesan:- Me either, I'm okay with them knowing. -

And just as they said, in a matter of like 2-3 periods the whole school was already gossiping about the new couple and how they didn't expect for Taesan to be the person LeeHan was talking about all those months back. It's not like Taesan and LeeHan made it easy for it to go unperceived, if Woonhak and Jaehyun were already called the definition of PDA, LeeHan and Taesan were surprisingly worse. Maybe it was the amount of time they had feelings for each other and them finally being able to express their feelings for each other or just that "honeymoon" stage in every relationship where they are literally all over each other, but they were stuck together just like ticks to a dog.

Riwoo:- When I said the word spreads fast I didn't think it would be this fast. -

Sungho:- True, just on our way here at least four people asked me if you two were dating. -

LeeHan:- People are just terribly nosy, it doesn't bother me though, at the end of they day, good for them to know that Taesan is my man. -

Taesan:- I feel like many people will hate me now because I stole like half the school's crush. -

Jaehyun:- Oh they're just jealous honey, because you got to pull THE LeeHan. -

Woonhak:- Exactly, just like some of my man's classmates hated me because I pulled the new boy being an underclassman. -

Taesan:- We devoured. -

Woonhak:- Totally.

The topic of the day was definitely the new couple of the six-people popular friend group, Taesan and LeeHan could feel people's eyes on them more than usual, it was starting to get Taesan nervous. He could be really comfortable already around the new environment of being friends with the most popular trio at school, but people's eyes on him judging him were getting him uneasy. And LeeHan could tell.

So the long-haired brunette pulled his boyfriend by the waist and whispered in his ear.

LeeHan:- Hey. Don't mind them, ok? You're good, you didn't do anything wrong. They will be jealous of you, and me, let them be. We're better than them, you have nothing to worry about. -

LeeHan's word managed to calm Taesan down, at least a little bit, he still felt a bit uneasy, but he felt more reassured now.

Taesan:- Hey, wanna go somewhere to spend time alone, so we can breathe for a bit? -

LeeHan:- Sure, let's just let the guys know.

So they let their friends know they were gonna go elsewhere to sit and rest for a bit alone, to escape of people's looks.

They sat down at a bench that was in no main part of the high school, people barely ever went there, so they could rest for a bit alone.

LeeHan:- How are you feeling? Because I can see you're a little bit anxious. -

Taesan:- Well, everyone's attention on us does make me anxious, that's why I wanted to leave to a quieter place. -

LeeHan:- You know you have nothing to worry about right? I won't let them be harsh to you. -

Taesan:- Yeah I know, it's just an instinct I guess. -

LeeHan:- Come here. -

LeeHan pulled his man closer to him, and Taesan lyed down his head on LeeHan's legs, while the other caressed his hair. He was happy he had a safe space to go to when he wasn't feeling in his hundred percent.

Kinda just a filler chapter not that relevant to the storyline 😶‍🌫️

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