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I still can't believe my 7 year old daughter is suspended. I'm going to call Charlie and see if he can watch her since he's off today.

Carlisle- hey Charlie I was wondering if you could watch y/n today she got suspended and me and Esme work.

Charlie- yea I don't mind watching her but I didn't know they could suspend 7 year olds.

Carlisle- well apparently they can.. I'll see you in about 20 minutes.

I go wake my daughter up and she is not having it. "No daddy let me sleep". I pick my daughter up and get her dressed. "Daddy I don't want to go". She says as I carry her to the car with her bag. "Sweetheart your spending the day with Charlie your not allowed at school and me and mommy have work. Your siblings have school." I say while buckling her in her car seat.

We are at Charlie's house I tell my daughter to be good then I leave.

Charlie's pov:
"Sooo kiddo what do you want to do?" I ask y/n. She hugs me sleepily. "Do you want me to pick you up maybe you could take a nap." She nods and makes grabby hands so I pick her up and carry her to the guest room. I lay her down and she instantly falls asleep. I pat her back and leave the room.

I'm reading in the longing room a few hours later y/n comes downstairs and cuddles up next to me. Bella never even did this, I swear this little girl is so cute. "Hi sweetie" I lift her on my lap and she snuggles resting her head on my upper stomach. "Are you hungry sweetheart?" She nods and I go make her a sandwich. She's sitting at the table, "do you like ham"? She nods and I make her a hot ham and cheese sandwich.

Y/n started running around to get energy out. "Y/n no running!" She says okay but continues to do it. "Y/n! What did I just say" she runs then hurts herself!

I clean her up and give her a dad look. She gives me puppy dog eyes. "y/n sweetie that was not okay when I say no it means no... Let go to time out kiddo".

She gives me big puppy eyes , "but but" she pleads. I give her a stern look, take her hand and walk her to time out. Her nose is touching the wall, "good, now I'm going to set a timer for 15 minutes". I sit in the couch and put a timer on my phone for 15 minutes I can hear her sniffling and by the time the timer goes off she's softly crying. "Come over here honey". she walks over with tears in her eyes by the time she stands in front of me; she starts crying again. I pick her up and set her on my lap. "Sweetheart I care about you but you need to listen to me. when i say no it means no. I said no because I didn't want you to get hurt and then you did. If you were my daughter I would put you over my knee."

She rests her head on my chest and cries, "I'm sorry Charlie". I rub her back and kiss her forehead and next thing I know there's a knock on the door. I carry her to the door and It's Carlisle. "Daddy's here sweetie"

Carlisle's pov

I take y/n out of Charlies arms, "Hi baby. how'd it go" My daughter nuzzles her head into my chest and cries. "I'm sorry daddy i was a bad girl" Charlie walks up and tells me that she ran after he told her 3 times not to and got hurt. "Did you punish her at all"? I ask him he tells me she was in time out for 15 minutes. I nod and thank him for watching her y/n says goodbye and I drive us home.

"Y/n when we get home I'm spanking you". I look at her in my review mirror and she nods sadly.


I am currently sitting down looking at my daughter as she stares at the floor. "Go get the brush" she looks up at me giving me puppy eyes. "Now y/n" she cries but grabs it and gives it to me. I put her across my knee and lift her skirt up. "I'm giving you ten warm ups and twenty with the hairbrush"  I give her firm swats.


her bottom is a pink shade I grab the hairbrush and give her some hard firm swats and she cries


She cries and screams, "daddy please I'm sorry I'll be good" I hate spanking her it  hurts my heart but she needs to learn. "Only ten more baby"


I let her up and she sobs I pick her up and set her in my lap. She hides herself into my chest and sobs. I rub her back trying to calm her down. "Babygirl I love you so much if I didn't care I wouldn't do anything I'd let you do whatever you want." She sniffles trying to stop herself from crying. "I know daddy but it really hurts". I glide my fingers through her hair. "I know baby your bottom is red I bet it hurts." I kiss her head and she eventually falls asleep so I put her down for a nap.

The human Cullen Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя