Just the start

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Y/N's pov:

It was a normal morning for the two sisters, Jaehyun woke up laying on the floor looking up at her older sister sleeping on the couch. We would normally switch places to sleep since we don't have a bed to sleep in, but either way we're happy with having a house to live in. Jaehyun slowly stood up because she didn't want to wake up Jiwoo, as she made her way to the kitchen she looked at the clock, 10:30 am. It wasn't surprising they weren't awake earlier since it was sunday and if they could sleep this long everyday, they would. School wasn't always the easiest thing for the two girls because of their parents or, dad, their dad was a druggie which made everybody think the girls also were. Jaehyun also wasn't surprised their dad wasn't here, he would almost never come home and when he did, he would stay for a day or two then leave and since it was jiwoo's birthday tomorrow their dad would probably come see them. It would always end up in a fight tho, because their dad thought he had to give them presents, while Jaehyun was standing there in her own thoughts someone came from behind putting their hands on her shoulders. Jaehyun jumped higher than ever "Ah-jiwooo!". Jiwoo broke down to the floor laughing which made the younger girl laugh too, while laughing Jiwoo managed to say "So-orryyy jaehyun, B-but you're face". Even though jaehyun still felt shocked she couldn't help but laugh at her sister's struggle, they weren't sure how long they laughed because everytime one of them said something they would laugh even more then before. Once they were done they chose to go grocery shopping, when they came back they just laid down and talked, they were so tired that after they ate they went to sleep. Jaehyun was sleeping on the couch tonight, even though they always felt bad for each other for sleeping on the floor, they couldn't do anything about it. The two girls were falling into a slumber and having a few small talks.

Jaehyun woke up to an alarm, she hit snooze but still sat up, she slowly started shaking Jiwoo. "Wake up birthday girl" said Jaehyun in a silly singing voice, Jiwoo threw a pillow at her sister. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" jaehyun laughed seeing her sister's dead looking body, "You okay??" at this point jaehyun was just talking to herself. She walked into the kitchen waiting for her sister, after waiting for a few minutes, Jiwoo was dragging her body into the kitchen. Almost throwing herself onto the chair, then she started a conversation.

Jiwoo-what's the clock?

You-07:18, why?

Jiwoo-i just wanted to know how long until i'm going to hell.

you-fuck, i almost forgot about school. Anyways, what do you want to do later?

Jiwoo-Idk, honestly anywhere but here or school.

You-why not here?

Jiwoo-dad might come here.

you-you know you can't hate him forever.

Jiwoo-it's not that i hate him, it's more the fact that if he didn't do drugs we could live a normal life, just think about it, no bullying. Forget it, you don't even know what it's like getting bullied tho.

You-jiwoo trust me, i know what it's like getting bullied. I was bullied when I was younger. Enough of that sad talk tho, you're finally 17!!!!!

Jiwoo-i knoww!!but i'm gonna have to go get ready. See you in like 10 minutes.

Jiwoo walked away laughing quietly, jaehyun still sat at that table also laughing a little bit at her sister. It probably seems like Jaehyun is the older one sometimes, she also sometimes acts like the older sister. The age difference isn't that big either, Jiwoo turned 17 today and jaehyun is 16 soon 17. Jaehyun looked around and saw the clock, she didn't realize she had been sitting there thinking for so long. She rushed into the living room and saw Jiwoo asleep on the couch, almost running to her sister shaking her like it was the last thing on earth.

Me-Come on Jiwoo, we have to hurry

Jiwoo understood what she meant because it wasn't the first time. Considering they had to run or walk in order to get to school meant that they were in pretty good form. They ran out the door and locked it, on the way the got stopped by a car

??-Ahh, girls, have you heard from your dad yet?

But we chose to ignore it.

??-Did you hear from your dad?!

The car kept on following us.

??-you brats. Answer when an adult is talking to you.

The guy kept on saying things, but we really didn't want to listen since it was about our dad.

We were at school earlier than we expected, but we had to part our ways because we aren't the same age.

Jiwoo's Pov:

I was sitting in the class as people started coming into the room, I was just sitting there listening to music, until my fat ass bully started talking about me.

Bully-wow, you're actually back. I can't believe it, such a good student. But junkie, why are you here?

Then her minion joined in.

Minion-just stop,let her be.

Bully-why don't you just change school.

Minion-stopp, she's gonna send her dad after you.

Bully-Bullshit, there are police everywhere and that junkie probably killed himself somewhere on the street.

They all started laughing, I didn't really pay much attention to what they were saying, when class started i just sat there, not listening at all. I was just waiting for the next class so this day could be over. When class was done we had P.E which isn't that bad except i don't have any partner.

The whole P.E class I was just doing my own thing, we were doing badminton and since I was alone I just threw the ball thing in the air while getting a few slurs by my bully.

After class I was called into the office.

Principle-We have decided to remove you from the school, i'm gonna go make the papers ready so-

Me-why am i getting moved?

Principle-would you like to stay here and make people uncomfortable?..Do you know how many times mad parents call

While she was talking to me, my dad sent me a message and if the timing couldn't be better she asked.

Principle-have you heard from your dad yet?

Me-no, i haven't.

She didn't say anything, only made hand movements that told me to leave, so I did. When i walked into class i saw one of the bullies trip someone and take their phone, when she tried taking it back they just started yelling at her to get away and slapped her, they mocked her. But they gave it back when I walked past them.

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