Chapter 5

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"Shut up! Don't call me that" The man's strength was overpowering Y/n and the knife was getting dangerously close. "No, Father told you lies! I promise I didn't do anything wrong. I had to run away! to get away from him" The man ignored her pleas and was now using his entire body weight on the knife, y/n knew she had no choice but to fight him. She slammed the knife down next to her head and punched him. The helmet flew off revealing a similar appearance, clearly stating that he was her brother. "You've grown, brother. However, you cannot beat me. I don't know what father did to you, but I promise I've been through worse. Leave and I will not harm you" Looking into the man's eyes, she knew it wasn't her brother anymore. This man was here to kill her, and hopefully, they both walk out of this alleyway alive. "I told you... to stop calling me that. The only thing we share is a bloodline, we are not the same now. Not since you left us behind." he got into a fighting position, and Y/n did the same. "I won't let you harm the people I love. Bring your guys back, leave him alone" Y/n was trying to refer to Mitsuya without using his name, she had no idea what her brother was now capable of. "Nah, you ruined our family, and now I'm going to ruin yours. One by one" hearing her brother's words, she attacked first. A strong roundhouse kick to the face, but it was stopped. Her brother single-handedly blocked the blow, causing Y/n to step back and get back into position. "A little fisty over one man" he mocks and aims a punch at Y/N's head. Y/n steps out of the way and uppercuts her brother's rib cage, definitely breaking a rib. The man fell onto the ground, clearly disappointed in his loss. However, he got back up surprisingly quickly, the fight not over. "It will take more than that, Y/n" Despite the pain running through his body, he refused to lose this fight. Y/n loved her brother, but she knew if she didn't win this fight then she won't be able to win any other time. "You are not him... you are not the brother I loved. That means I can treat you like an enemy," Anger shot in the man's face as Y/n continued "so I will give you another chance. Leave now and you don't have to face the disappointment of losing. None of us will have to deal with hurting each other. If you are still my brother, and you know this is wrong, then leave now. If you remain here, then you are my enemy." tears pricked her eyes and she tried to finish her speech with confidence instead of regret "I love you, Kie... but if you continue this fight, then I won't hold back" a strange emotion filled Y/n. She wasn't sure how she could stand to say such a thing to her own brother, but she had lost too much to let it slide. Kie stepped back, he wasn't expecting this.

~Kie's side of the story~

"Your sister ran away from home and has killed several of our members. She has stolen our money, we don't have enough to replace our members or pay for my surgery. She's the reason I'm in the hospital, and she must pay" his father lay on a hospital bed, he had been stabbed by y/n. He claims she tried to kill him and get away with it, but since she didn't die, she had to flee. (So I don't remember what happened to the mother. To my loyal readers, if you can remember from my previous book if I mentioned her or not, please do let me know! I don't remember if she was a good person or not, maybe she's dead? I should start making notes) "I am going to put you in her place, you have to replace her as an assassin. My son, it will be difficult. The training is brutal, but hopefully, you don't use your training against me as she did. Promise me, my loyal child... you have to replace her and save our family from her, she will come back if you don't end her." the father stops and coughs before continuing. Kie has always loved his sister, but he didn't know the secrets she kept from him. Y/n was 2 years older than him, and due to her being the oldest, she had to endure harsh training. Her family comes from a long line of assassins, she had no choice but to continue the responsibility. Her family line has always worked for others and is always paid handsomely when they finish their missions of assassinating and other jobs. Kie didn't have to take on that responsibility, so he had no idea what Y/n had to endure. Because she was not born as a male, she and her mother were deeply hated and often abused by other family members. Kie had no knowledge of this and was the golden child of the family, his father often told him that his sister was jealous of him. "Your sister would try to kill you in your sleep, I would always have to stop her in such horrible ways. But Kie, she didn't give me a choice. She was going to kill you!" Kie's father grabbed his son's hand and wheezed, blood came out. Kie was about to call for a doctor, but his father stopped him short. "I have a source in Tokyo, Japan. That was where your mother grew up and where your sister was born, she is there now. After your mother was put to rest, Y/n talked about Japan. My source's name is Tetta Kisaki, he has knowledge of where she is." 

Kie sat back down to listen to his father. "She reached there a month ago, and she is involved in a gang. It is beloved that she is running it and is the mistress of the leader and his captains. She is using them and she will come back here with an army, she will kill us all!" Kie's father's voice was getting raspy, his breathing getting short. "You must endure harsh training in just a few months, and then you must hunt her down. I'm telling you this with love, son. Come back with her blood-stained to your clothes, or...," Everything went tense.

"drown in it and curse her corpse with your last breath..."


Basically, he means to come back to America and show the father that he has killed his sister and basically prove he did it or die with her and literally say something to curse her body as his last words before dying alongside her.

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