XVI. A Feeling of Dread

Start from the beginning

"What did it do?"

"Uhh," he hesitates once more. "If I recall correctly... It simply doesn't have control over you anymore, and the location tracker is on a continuous loop."

"How?" I ask.

"I have no idea, Alex. All I know is that you're up and moving, so there's that."

A smile quirks at my lips. Was that a.. snarky comment? He's learning.

"Now come on, we have work to do," Carter urges, his grip on my shoulder firmer this time.

"How long have I been out?"

"Just one day."

"Fuck," I mutter, sitting up straight as my thoughts race back to 141. Would they believe me if I told them what happened? "I need to return to the others soon."

"Alex, we've got pressing matters here," Carter straightens up, his shoulders tensing.

"Carter, I swear the entire plan will crumble if I lose their trust. We will need their help later," I explain. "Can you hang on for just one or two more days?"

He sighs, rolling his eyes as he turns away. "Fucking hell... I don't really have much of a choice, do I?"

My jaw tightens, reluctant to push his patience any further. "I'm sorry, Carter," I sigh. "I need you with this. Please."

"Yeah, I'll fix things here again. Go on, get moving. The sooner you leave, the sooner you'll return."

I smile, placing a hand on his shoulder this time. "Thank you, Carter. You're the best. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Wait," he murmurs, halting me just before I attempt to leave. "Take this," he says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. Delicately, he inserts a nearly imperceptible clear earpiece.

"What happened to you? Did you turn into some sort of tech wizard?" I chuckle.

"Yeah," he says short and serious. "Now listen. If you tap three times here," he carefully touches my tragus, "it turns on and then we can communicate."

I frown, unfamiliar with this new piece of equipment. As he pulls his finger away, I tap three times on my tragus, and a single beep immediately sounds in my ear. It's soft. Quiet enough for no one else to hear.

I frown again. "What if someone hits this side of my head three times, huh?"

Without thinking, he responds. "Then make sure you don't find yourself in that position in the first place."


I don't feel nervous, though I'm also not particularly calm. I know that my absence hasn't gone unnoticed, and I also know it's going to be hard for them to believe what happened.

At least I've got proof that it's actually in there.

Once I reach the entrance, the two men standing on guard immediately point their guns at me.

I slowly raise my hands, knowing that they haven't really seen me so there's no way for them to know who I am. "I know you don't know me. But could you give Captain Price a call..?"

As the two guards question me, I feel the weight of their suspicion. I know I must look like a mess, but I can't afford to let doubt cloud their judgment. My mind races with the urgency of the situation.

"I need to see Captain Price," I repeat, this time sounding more demanding. "Tell him the Alex with no ranking is back."

Their narrowed eyes and trigger-ready fingers reveal their reluctance. They want a reason, a justification for letting a disheveled stranger inside their secure facility.

Reliant ~ [John Soap MacTavish]Where stories live. Discover now