ch 5

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They soon reached the mall because Mac wants to buy clothes and Nan agreed to take him to the store.

As for the music playing in the car, Mac turned it off after the first song ended.

--What do you want to buy? Nan asked as he walked into the mall with Mac.

-- I want new underwear and pants, Mac replied.

Nan narrowed his eyes slightly at his lover.

- Why didn't you buy it while you were there? Nan asked.

Mac turned to look at him and smiled with a raised eyebrow, Nan instantly giggled at his assumption and gave Mac a slight nod.

--You were going to make me pay for this..... Didn't you say you wanted to help ease my money?

Nan pretended to ask when he realized that on today's shopping, Mac was going to make him pay.

--Calm down, I'm in Thailand now. Can't you buy it for me? Buy the essentials, Mac replied and Nan chuckled slightly.

- Oh, only on a 2 grand budget, Nan said, Mac frowning slightly.

- 2,000 you will pay only the panties ...Give me some more money, said Mac in a low voice.

--Then I'll give you 3500 baht, no'll pay the rest yourself..... if I don't take you to the market to buy them for 20 baht each, Nan pretended to threaten him.

Mac hesitated and finally nodded in agreement.

--- 3500 is fine, replied Mac reluctantly.

Nan gave him a satisfied smile before leading Mac to the men's underwear section. Mac walked into the Calvin Klein store and Nan immediately raised an eyebrow when he saw Mac enter the store.

--Don't complain, I only use this brand. Besides, it's expensive, but it's durable, it can be used for a long time, Mac said hurriedly, before Nan complained.

-- Do you wear that brand? Oh, I forgot, I don't notice your underwear, because I only care what the underwear covers, Nan said with a smile.

Mac immediately turned left and right.

-- You bastard, why say that out loud. Aren't you ashamed of other people? Mac asks with a hot face.

Nan chuckled lightly and let Mac choose…Nan went to see the price, before shook his head.

--I only use Rosso's, a hundred baht each and they last very well, said Nan not too loudly.

Mac didn't answer, because if he argued, Nan wouldn't buy for him. By the time Mac finally picked 3 pairs, the total price was over 2000 baht.

Mac opens his hand to Nan, who took the 3500 money.

--- Wait, if you spend more than that you'll pay for yourself, Nan said, and Mac took the money to pay as well as kept the rest of the money.

- What else are you going to do? Nan asked.

-- Jeans, Mac replied.

So the two took a walk to find a denim store.

Mac went through several brands, but still wasn't satisfied, until he came across one brand. Mac immediately went to choose.

--You're bored? You can sit and wait, Mac said, seeing Nan watching him silently.

Nan turned to look at the customer's chair before nodding.

--Then I'll sit and wait there, Nan said, before walking off separately to sit in a

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