03 | dohwa is buff

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the blond jumped and turned, finding eunhyeok's eyes practically stabbing him. "um, yeah?" eunhyeok looked mad. very mad, actually. which only made dohwa even more terrified.

eunhyeok dropped the expression and gave dohwa an innocent look. "what're you going to be for halloween?"  

"halloween?" dohwa scoffed. "i'm not going to be anything."

"aw. but wouldn't it be fun? dress up in a stupid costume and get free candy?"

"i don't want candy. plus no one would give it to an EIGHTEEN 😂 year old. A SENIOR."

"oh, yeah." eunhyeok rolled his eyes. "because all you consume is protein powder so you can grow buff and impress all the girl throughout the school cause you're a SENIOR 😂 and everybody looks up to you!" he smacked dohwa's arm. "wait.. you are kinda buff..."

"what?" dohwa protested, moving his arm away.

"anyways!" eunhyeok slapped a bright smile onto his face. "you're really not going to dress up?"

dohwa nodded. "i'm not. in under no circumstances will i ever dress up."

"you seem oooooverly confident in that." eunhyeok nudged dohwa. "wanna bet? 5 bucks that you're going to dress up."

"you seem ooooooooooverly confident in the fact that i actually am going to dress up," dojwa chuckled with a smirk. "deal."

they shook hands like the sophisticated men they were before eventually parting ways.


"dohwa? can you do me a favor?" dohwa's veryveryberuberuveruveruberyveryvery beloved 😊😊😊😊😊🥰🥰🥰 mother asked from across the phone.

"depends on what it is." dohwa stuck a chopstick into his mouth, gnawing on it slightly.

"i'm going to need you to fully cooperate in this," his mom sighed. "can you please take your cousin out trick or treating?"

dohwa grumbled. "depends on which cousin it is. there are like 50 of them."

"minjun. your 8 year old cousin, remember?" his mom's voice was hopeful. "please say you'll do it. there's no one else to take him and he'll scream in not only your aunt's ears, but also mine."

"do i get anything out of it?" dohwa studied his nails. so typical popular bad boy behavior 😝😝😝😝

"nnno...? why would you need something for it? you're helping your family."

"yeah, but-"

"son," dohwa's mom grumbled, voice firm. "do it or i'm taking all your hair products away." and with that, she ended the call, leaving dohwa standing on the other end of the now disconnected line, jaw hanging.

"how could she," he muttered with a roll of his eyes, putting his phone back in his pocket.

so that night when he came home from school (having to WALK home like what is this injustice), he was met with a very eccentric 8 year old hopping into the living room to see who had just entered the house. he wore a big smile, but the minute he saw dohwa's face, it dropped.

"oh. it's you."

dohwa scoffed. "not excited to see me, minjun?" he set his things down. "glad the feeling's mutual."

"be nice, dohwa," dohwa's mom called from the kitchen before she went back to conversing with another female voice, most likely dohwa's aunt.

"i am being nice!" dohwa protested, tearing his hands through his hair as he gave his cousin an 'ew pls get your Minjun Germs away from me' look

"nuh uh, stop being mean to me!" minjun pouted. "i'm only 8 years old!"

dohwa flicked minjun's forehead. "when i was 8 years old, i was a very sophisticated child. unlike you."

his cousin gasped and put both hands on his forehead. "nuh uh! you were probably running around and trying to chase unicorns or something!"

"maybe i was the unicorn itself, actually," dohwa grumbled, turning away from minjun.

"come baAAAAAACK," minjun pleaded, trailing dohwa to his room. "please i have no one to talk tooooooo-"

"if you shut up i'll get you candy tomorrow."

the 8 year old perked up. "candy? when? from where? what candy? i want candy! where wil you get the candy? how much candy? why do i have to shut up for ca-"

dohwa covered minjun's mouth with a hand. "whatever candy you like, fun sized." this is course made minjun scream (though it was muffled by dohwa's BIGASS 🧍🧍🧍❓❓❓ hand). his cousin nodded back and forth.

"pinky promise?" taking his hand off of minjun's mouth, dohwa held up his pinky.

"pinky promise," minjun giggled, interlocking their pinkies. "i get candy tomorrow!" he screeched, running off to the kitchen.

so maybe he misunderstood a little. he would get candy if he SHUT 😡 UP 💥💥💥💥💥. but currently he's not SHUTTING UP 😡💥❌ so no candy for him? 🤷🏻‍♀️😊😊

but after minjun's outburst of getting free candy, the house went quiet (excluding the chuckles from the his mom and aunt). aaand then the house when completely silent. maybe except the sound of minjun'S LITTLE WHISPERIGN???

"dohwa?" his mom called. "why are you trying to bribe minjun into "shutting up" with candy?"

LYN SPEAKS *coughs* !!!
bak bak chicken chicken chicken

just the two of us ✶
baek dohwa x fem!oc

shuology 😡💥

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