Part Two

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Mel sat in the cockpit of the chopper, radio chatter quietly coming through the headset. So far it had gone off without a hitch and exactly as Mel had predicted. With the Comms tower and both machine guns out of action, the area was secured quickly.

On arrival, the team of four men had split into two. One was to rig the ammunition store to blow, and the other was tasked to locate and retrieve some confidential documents the 141 wanted.

Sergeant Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick and Wade had already returned, so now they sat waiting for the other two.

Captain Price had introduced her to the men after the briefing. He had given her a little bit of info on them earlier, however meeting them in person was another thing. 6'2'' just didn't register on paper like it did in real life. They towered over her and she could only imagine how intimidating they were in their gear.

Captain 'Soap' MacTavish was warm and welcoming, and she could tell they would become fast friends. Lieutenant Ghost was entirely different. A lot more reserved, with his face masked by the skeleton balaclava, he had only muttered a short greeting when they were introduced.

It had been about five minutes since their last radio contact, when off in the distance short bursts of gunfire could be heard.

'Ghost to Phoenix. Target acquired. Falling back to your location. Will be coming in hot.'

'Okay Jackson. Let's get this bird ready to fly.' Mel directed the Lieutenant seated next to her. Leaning out the door she called to the others seated in the shade of the chopper. 'Jump in guys. Their on their way.'


'Fuck'n hell Soap! That was close.' Ghost growled as they crashed through the dense foliage.

The big Scot laughed loudly as he turned briefly to fire at the soldiers in pursuit, two falling from the spray of his bullets, before continuing their dash to the chopper.

Up ahead, they could just make out the chopper in the clearing, blades whirring steadily as the others waited for their arrival.

'Home time...can almost taste the whisky Da sent..' the sound of gunshot cut Soap off and he hit the ground, rolling forward under the momentum and weight of his gear.

Ghost skidded to a stop, rifle aimed at the soldier who had shot Soap. In less than a heartbeat, the soldier hit the ground too, courtesy of Ghost's expert marksmanship.

'AGH that fucker shot me in the ass!' Soap screamed in frustration as he tried to stand. Ghost went to his aid, pulling Soap to his feet by his vest.

'Can you run?' Ghost asked.

Soap nodded, his jaw clenched. Ghost threaded his arm under Soap's shoulder and around his waist to try and take as much of the other man's weight as he could. The delay had lost them precious ground, and the enemy was closing in.

It was a testament to Ghost's strength that they managed to move as quickly as they did. It became obvious that Soap's wound was serious though, he couldn't move his left leg so had to bare all his weight onto Ghost.

'Lucky for me you're a big bastard.' Soap said through gritted teeth.

'Lucky for you the chopper's not far, otherwise I'd have left your ass where it was.' Ghost grunted back, knowing he would cut off his own arm before he left a wounded man behind.

As they closed their distance to the chopper, both men were rapidly losing steam. Movement in the vegetation behind them told Ghost they had company. He glanced over his should to see three soldiers appear, their rifles aimed and ready to fire.

Gunfire sounded and the three men dropped. Ghost spun his head around to see Mel standing in front of them, reloading her handgun.

'Gaz. Wade. Get Soap.' She ordered, running towards Ghost as she fired more rounds into the vegetation behind him.

Reaching Ghost, she grabbed a grenade off his vest, pulled the pin and launched it into the air. She pulled at Ghost's vest to get him moving as it exploded behind them, taking out half a dozen men.

This slowed the enemy down long enough for Gaz and Wade to carry Soap the final distance to the chopper. With everyone aboard, the chopper lifted upwards under Mel's guidance, as soldiers spilled into the clearing from the treeline.

'Cutting it fine there Captain.' Jackson murmured, glancing at Mel as she banked the chopper away from the gunfire of the men on the ground.

'Where's the fun in playing it safe?' Mel asked, giving him a wink as she skilfully manoeuvred the chopper inches above the tree tops, heading back to base.   

The Ghost and the PhoenixOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant