S1E2: Washington B.C.

Start from the beginning

Heatblast: "Stee-rike!"

One of the Robbers screams as their car crashes into a wall. As they recover, Heatblast walks up to them and rips the car door right off.

Heatblast: "Unless you punks want a permanent sunburn, HANDS AGAINST THE WALL!"

The robbers look at each other and walk out the car, doing as he says. However, the watch starts flashing red.

Heatblast: "You punks picked the wrong day to be bad-"

Before he could finish, heatblast is forced back into Ben.

Ben: "-guys..."

Robber 1: "Huh? Wha-?"

He spins around and sees Ben, and not heatblast.

Robber 1: "Hey, it's just a kid! Get the jewels!"

Ben: "Wow. Time sure flies when you're having fun! I-I've decided to let you guys off with a warning this time!"

The robbers go to move, but a fire ball stops them. Spyro lands down on the car, and glared at the robbers. As well as a side eye glance at ben. Eventually, police cars arrive, surrounding them.

Police Officer: "Freeze!"

Spyro: "they're all yours officers. Take these jerks away"

The officer nods, only to stare up at Spyro.

Spyro: "please. Ignore the talking dragon"

The officer rubs his eyes, and saw that Spyro had disappeared. Ignoring it, he went up to arrest the robbers. What happened to Spyro was that he simply reverted back to his true form. Y/n.


The next day, Max, Gwen, Ben, and y/n shop at the MegaMart, walking down aisles. Ben strays from them and finds a "Sumo-Smacks" cereal box with cards advertised inside. By it goes unnoticed but the others.

Max: "Only canned octopus? Huh. I thought this store prided itself on wide selection"

Gwen: "Uh, Grandpa? No offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once? You know, once that doesn't involve stir-fried tentacles?"

Max: "Heh! Nonsense. Now where do you suppose they keep the sheep's bladders?"

Y/n: "ooh! Sheep's bladder"

As those two walked off, Gwen stops, and instead heard the activation of Ben's watch.

Gwen: "Ben...?"

As she turns the aisle corner, Gwen gasps as she sees the entire cereal aisle in tatters. She walks over to a shaking box.

GreyMatter: "Oh man, another red card!"

Gwen grabs the box, and pulled out a little grey alien.

Gwen: "Gotcha! What are you doing?"

GreyMatter: "Uh... Looking for the gold Sumo Slammer Card? Duh"

Gwen: "You're supposed to use your powers to help people, not find some stupid trading card"

Store Manager: "Ahem"

Gwen turns around surprised, and quickly hides GreyMatter behind her.

Gwen: "It wasn't me! It was my doofus cousin!"
Store Manager: "Well someone is gonna have to pay for all this!"

And the next thing they knew, every box of cereal that Ben opened was now inside the shopping cart.

Max: "So, uh, why are we buying all of this cereal?"

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