"Just make sure it is my car. Don't forget where the list of cars are." I reminded him. "AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK IT OUT PROPERLY!" I quickly rushed out as he walked out of the room with five bags under his arms.

"Damn. I didn't think he could get hotter." Althea popped in my head making me roll my eyes. I walked into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes before entering into my shower.

"Did you seriously have to say that?" I responded while turning the water and began to wash my body.

"It's not like I lied." She stated in a matter of fact tone. I shook my head and stood under the water to rinse myself off. Knowing how important this is to Deangelo, I don't take too much time in the shower. Quickly getting out before I got too comfortable, I wrapped my robe around my body and walked into my closet.

I start to rummage through my comfortable clothes. I should definitely be comfortable. So maybe a sweat outfit with sneakers.

"NO! We need to look sexy!"

"For a three to five hour trip? No. I want to be comfortable."

"There's going to be female vampires there that have been with Deangelo or at least tried to. We need to show them they have nothing on us and Deangelo upgraded!" Okay she makes a good point. I never thought of that. This will be the first time they see me when I get out of the car.

"We also don't even know if he has any flings or anything like that. We're just being jealous and possessive."

"And?! But fine, we have to look the part of the Princess. You saw what D was wearing. Not sweats."

"I will ask him. I smell him coming." I cut the link off with her and turned around to find D leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets.

"Yes?" He asked

"Sooo, I was going to wear a sweatsuit but Althea said that we should wear something sexy."

"Okay?" He edged me to continue.

"Are the females there that you used to sleep with or date? Or at least would throw themselves at you?" I quickly asked to get to the point. He sighed heavily and walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes, I have left a trail of heartbroken women. But I've never promised any of them your spot in my life."

"Looks like we're going with sexy." I stated, and went back to my clothes. I heard his deep hearty laugh as he walked back out to the room.

"I do not want an I-told-you-so Althea. Keep your snout shut."

"I wasn't going to." She said sarcastically. I just shook my head and went back to looking for clothes. I still need to be comfortable for the drive but now it needs a sexy appeal. I figured jeans could be comfortable, I just need a nice top to go with it. "How about that brown corset crop top?" Althea popped back in. I grabbed what she suggested and it actually wasn't bad.

"That works actually. Thanks." I grabbed the clothes and got dressed. I put half of my hair into two ponytails and did some simple makeup, keeping it as natural as I can. Grabbing some white sneakers, I threw them on and walked out to my bag shelf. I grabbed a white mini backpack and filled it up with my wallet, phone, chargers, and some makeup stuff. I looked around the room and noticed D wasn't here. Maybe he went downstairs for blood. I turned my lights off and walked downstairs.

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