Time Turners and Sorting Hats-Grace's Chapter

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The screaming was loud, in Grace's ears. She tried to call out to the woman but her voice wasn't working. She couldn't bear it, she wanted to help but couldn't get to the woman. . .

"Hello, um wake up, what's her name again?"

"Her name's Grace."

Grace's eyes fluttered open.

"She's awake!" Neville said.

Grace sat up, and stars popped in her eyes.

"Be careful," Professor Lupin said, handing her a very large slab of chocolate.

Grace was shaking as she leaned against the front of the seat (she had fallen off her seat at one point), but it wasn't from the cold. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep steadying breaths (In for 5 seconds and out for 4).

"Are you alright?" Professor Lupin asked her with a worried expression.

"y-yeah" Grace said, still shaking she took a bite of chocolate and warmth spread through her body and with another bite she stopped shaking.

She looked over and saw that Harry was on the ground too, but not shaking like she had been.

"But didn't any of you — fall out of your seats?" Grace heard Harry ask.

"Yes actually, Grace did." Ron answered and she watched as Harry turned and looked at her, she gave him a small thumbs up and weak smile.

"Are you alright Harry?" Professor Lupin asked him, handing him a large piece of chocolate also.

Grace stopped paying attention because she was thinking. This was all a dream. She knew it, but how was that thing a dream? It felt so real though. And, why would she hear Harry's mother's voice? She was probably just fan-girling and pretending that Harry Potter, who doesn't exist, has a long lost sister. And anyway, if this was even real, which it is not, this all would have happened in 1993, she lives in 2023 that means she would have had to have gone back in time and yet, all the time-turners are destroyed, according to the books. But this wasn't real, it was a lucid dream, a fan-girl's fantasy, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

They didn't talk for the rest of the journey, and when they got off, Grace was wondering where she should go when she heard a loud gruff voice from among the crowd. "firs' years firs' years follow me," she knew who that must be, Rubeus Hagrid.

Grace followed the trio to the carriages deciding not to go on the trip across the lake and stepped into the carriage and sat down.

"Shouldn't you be with the first years?" Hermione asked, looking at Grace.

Grace shrugged. "I'd rather not, to be honest."

As the carriages rose in a steady line over the trees, Grace got her first glimpse of the castle. It was magnificent.

"Wow," Grace said under her breath, marveling in all its splendor.

Grace looked around to find the trio smiling at her silently.

"What?" Grace half laughed the question.

"Nothing, nothing" Harry smiled and shook his head.

Grace looked back at the castle and the only thing she could think of, was that the movies under represented the castle. 




The whole ride up to the castle, Grace was silently drinking up the castle. As they got out of their carriage they saw Malfoy start to walk towards them, but soon he turned around and looking around to see why, they saw Professor Lupin get out of a carriage next to them.

The four walked through the great, big brown doors, and again, Grace was silently drinking it all up, until a shrewd voice called Harry and Hermione's name, and funnily enough, Grace's.

"Potter, Granger and Collar, this way please." Professor McGonagall was walking briskly towards them.

As McGonagall reached them she turned to Ron and said "You may go, Mr. Weasley" 

As she turned towards them she looked at Harry and saw he had a worried expression on his face. "Don't worry Potter, you're not in trouble." The Professor said,

 and then, she looked at Grace. She seemed to study her face, especially her eyes, but then, she shook her head and walked ahead of them with a quick "Follow me" proceeding. 

When they reached what Grace expected to be McGonagall's office, she invited them in, and sat them down in the chairs in front of the large desk, which she sat behind.

"Now, Potter, Collar, are you alright? Professor Lupin sent a message that you two had fallen ill on the train." And at that exact moment, Someone knocked and came in through the door behind them.

Grace knew that it had to be madam Pomfrey, the school nurse of a sort.

At that exact moment, Grace felt something rise in her. Was it jealousy? Or maybe a sense to prove that she wasn't worthless and dumb like she had been told her whole life. Whatever it was, it took her over and Grace felt confident, reckless and secure, for once in her whole lifetime, she felt like she could do anything. She wanted to go to classes and have the correct answer. She wanted to excel at something new. And most of all she wanted to make friends, something she never dared and vowed to herself she would never even try. She wanted people to like her.

"I'm fine, we're fine." Harry said going read in the face.

"Oh, it's you isn't it, and you?" The patroness pointed to Grace after.

Grace nodded. "Professor Lupin already gave us chocolate ma'am." 

The patroness looked impressed. "We finally have a Defense against the dark Arts teacher who knows his remedies, and a student too, by the looks of it." she nodded to Grace.

"They are okay, Minerva." Madam Pomfrey addressed Professor McGonagall.

"Very well then, if you two could wait outside, me and Ms. Granger must talk about her course schedule." And Professor Mcgonagall ushered them out of the room.

They waited until Hermione and and the Professor came out and then they went to the feast together. 

As they stepped out into the great hall, Harry and Hermione quickly slipped away to the Gryffindor house table. And they left Grace standing there awkwardly (Professor McGonagall had walked to the stool and hat at the front of the room). 

Until, a man Grace knew to be Albus Percival Wulfrick Bryan Dumbledore stood up.

"Before we begin I have an exciting announcement, a new student is joining us from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She will be in the third year, and her name is Grace Collar."

Grace stood there as hundreds of heads turned and stared at her. How did he know? But she knew that she had to be sorted so she slowly started to walk up the isle to the stool of which a gray Sorting hat was sat. 

Grace raised the hat and sat down, putting the hat on her head and letting it fall over her ears and partially over her eyes. She heard a voice in the back of her mind. "Ah, this is new, I've never had the chance to sort one of you before. Talented, kind, jealous but brave. Hmmm. I know." And the voice shouted the last words "Gryffindor!" The table with red and gold everywhere erupted in cheers.

"Now I have a few more announcements before we are befuddled by this wonderful feast." Dumbledore went on. 

Grace knew his entire speech by heart so she wasn't really listening as she sat down next to Harry, but she was thinking . . .

Eventually when they were dismissed, from the delicious feast. Grace followed the Gryffindore's to the common room and then to the dormitory she was assigned, Grace found everything there, the mysterious trunk with everything she needs in it too. Grace changed into pajamas that were in the trunk and fell onto her bed and went right to a dreamless sleep.

Hi! Hope y'all liked it, please comment and vote (If You want to) I would really appreciate it!

-insert_hp_here <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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