The Dementor-Harry's Chapter

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"Who d'you reckon he is?'' Ron Weasley hissed, as they sat down and slid the door shut, taking the seats farthest away from the window.

"Professor R. J. Lupin," Hermione Granger whispered back.

"How d'you know that?" Ron asked incredulously.

"'It's on his case." She replied pointing to the suitcase above him, and sure enough it read: Professor R. J. Lupin, in peeling letters.

"Wonder what he teaches." Ron said, glancing at him.

"Well that's obvious, isn't it," Hermione said urgently, "there's only one job opening. He must be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Nevermind him," Harry said, grabbing their attention.

"Right," Ron cleared his throat. "What do you need to tell us, Harry?"

And Harry explained everything. He told them about how he overheard Mr. and Mrs. Weasley arguing over whether Harry should know that Sirius Black escaped azkaban to try and kill him or not. He told them about his conversation with Mr. Weasley, and how he had made him promise not to go looking for Black, the man trying to murder him.

"Why would Harry go looking for a nutter trying to kill him?" Ron said worriedly, breaking the silence and reading Harry's mind.

"Oh Harry, you mustn't go looking for trouble!" Hermione said ignoring Ron's comment.

"I don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds me!" Harry said, exasperated. They weren't taking the news how Harry wanted them to.

"Look-" Harry started, but he was interrupted by a girl he had never seen before carrying a large trunk with her, opening the compartment door.

The girl was average height with brunette hair falling to her elbows. She was wearing plain black Hogwarts robes without any tie, she looked about Harry's age. She had bright green eyes that looked familiar, from somewhere. She was very pretty, but something that was odd in her appearance was a long scar on her face. The scar was thin and crooked, starting from her top left forehead, down, across her nose to her lower right cheek. Her green eyes scanned the compartment looking first at Ron, then Hermione, then Lupin in the corner, and finally landing on Harry, she looked at each of them for an unusual amount of time with what seemed to be a look of awe, even Lupin, but she did seem to look at Harry for longer than the others, though she wasn't staring at his scar, but straight into his eyes. A look of what seemed to be recognition crossed her face, but it was gone as soon as it had come.

The girl cleared her throat awkwardly, "I'm so sorry to have to ask ya'll this, but can I stay in this room, all the other's are full." She said in what was definitely an American accent. "I'm Grace by the way, Collar, Grace Collar." She added quickly.

Hermione spoke first. "Of course," she said calmly. Motioning to an empty seat across from Harry. "I'm-" but Grace interrupted.

"Hermione Granger" she said, with an apologetic look to Hermione.

Hermione looked surprised and shocked that she would know her name, so was Harry. But Hermione shook her head slightly and continued on. "Well this-" But again she was interupt- ed.

"Ron Weasley," Grace said, not looking at her. "And that's Harry Potter." she said, nod- ding to Harry. There was a long silence, until Ron broke the silence. "So, are you American?"

"yeah," She scratched the back of her neck. "I transferred from Ilvermorny." Harry had no idea what that was, nor Ron, for he added: "Ilvermorny?"

But Hermione's eyes had lit up and, completely ignoring Ron's question she started bombarding Grace with questions. "Really? What's it like? Do you have a Thanksgiving feast? What are the house colors? What house were you in?" Hermione said quickly.

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