Little Ushi

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A very rare opportunity had presented itself at this very moment to Etsuko, something she had not seen coming ever since arriving. After all, this little bull never seemed to leave the side of a certain oni. When trying to pet the little fella he would always run behind Itto and hide or stick close next to him. Even when sneaking up, Etsuko never got the chance to even poke him. He was way too quick on his tiny feet and would always cuddle up to the oni in those instances. It was frustrating, to say the least. She wanted to pet little Ushi too! He was so cute after all but no, he would not even give her a chance. Even when she tried to pounce on him from one moment to the next, a surprise pet attack, he dodged and disappeared into thin air the moment after. 

However, right now things seem to be a little different. The opportunity to strike might be upon her! And she is ready to take it no matter what!

She had spotted Ushi sleeping when entering the current quarters of the Arataki gang. The boys were out for some errands and someone had been tasked to look after Ushi. And fortunately for Etsuko it was her turn. So it would just be her and the little bull at the moment. So basically… A rare chance. And him sleeping would mean he might not notice a thing. Not even a peep, as long as she kept quiet herself. Finally she might be able to pet him and hear him purr! Wait, do bulls purr? Hmm… Probably not, no. But you never know. The little fella wasn’t exactly a ‘bull’ after all. He just looked like one. An adorable little one that is. She couldn’t help but want to cuddle him. 

So Etsuko snuck a little closer on her own toes, her gaze set on the sleeping Ushi. He was slumbering so deeply in fact that she could see a bubble from his nose. Yeah, he won’t hear a thing, especially tip toeing. So she got closer and closer. And even closer until he was within arm’s reach. Once he was she stretched it out, slowly but surely, trying to be as quiet as possible not even letting out the slightest breathing noise. Slow and steady wins the race after all, doesn’t it? 

Her hand got closer and closer, about to touch the head, her fingers tracing against the horns of the tiny bull. It was a gentle touch, supposed to not wake him up yet the moment her fingertips brushed against the top of his head Ushi’s golden eyes suddenly shut wide open, the bubble from his nose disappearing. It made the redhead flinch in her spot, staring at the bull in shock. Drat, he woke up! And in return he stared back at the young woman, as if both had a staring contest for a few moments. They were just looking at one another, not commenting whatsoever for a few seconds before she got herself to wave at him very slowly and softly. Ushi stared a few more moments, gaze fixated as she tried to move her hand closer once more. Yet once she tried the bull lifted himself up and dashed to the side, making the redhead fall over, right on her face. She lifted her head up slightly, spotting that Ushi had rushed to the back of the room, staring at the redhead with a slightly tilted head. She grumbled for a moment as she stared right then and there, grumbling something to herself. Etsuko got it over herself however, lifting herself up slightly as her eyes were targeting the little bull, almost glowing as if trying to shoot at him. 

And in a way she did, launching forward with her body all of a sudden. She jumped right at the tiny bull, her arms open while launching forward like some arrow of a bow, trying to hug him yet Ushi jumped a little to the side. It was enough to make the redhead once more fall flat on her face, arms stretched while facing the dirty ground, hitting her head on it in the meantime. 

Her gaze shot right up, spotting Ushi looking at her with a tilted head before tapping off rather calmly to yet another corner of the room, about to get seated. But not with her. Instead the redhead lifted herself up yet again, once more launching herself forward like a human projectile. But the steps earlier repeated themselves, the tiny bull–like creature just moving aside and avoiding Etsuko just enough for her to fall flat on her face. He then would stare at her before walking off on his four tiny feet, bouncing to another space in the tiny room. 

That didn’t mean she gave up as she tried again and again and again and again. She had lost count after the fifth time, only busy jumping and trying to pet or hug Ushi. Did he budge? No. It was as if this bull was playing games with her, moving aside whenever she was so close to even slightly touching him. And he did it without a care in the world, toying with the girl’s desire to just pet him already! This was getting annoying, so much so that Etsuko sat up with a light grumble, a rare reaction of hers. Though she could be annoyed if she really wanted to. She even pouted soon enough while she sat herself up somewhat properly, her head having a small bump on her forehead even, glowing lightly.

“Why you…” She sort of mumbled as she stared at him, about to launch yet again though the door got kicked open from one moment to the next, then a loud voice yelling: “Itto’s back in the house bitch!”

The moment hit hit the bull’s ears his body turned from one second to the next, eyeing somewhere else before hopping over, right over the girl’s back and jumping to the source of the voice.

Etsuko let out a quick ‘yelp’ as her back ached for a short moment, unable to move before sitting up yet again, slowly turning to the door and spotting the one and oni, Arataki Itto. He had been tackled by Ushi, holding the small bull right in his arms as he was nuzzling against the oni very happily, somewhat… Purring? A purring bull That was a surprise. But even more that little Ushi was acting like an affectionate cat, to say the least. Nuzzling, purring— You name it. Even the occasional lick here and there. 

As for the oni, he was merely laughing out loud. “Haha, I missed ya too bud!” He responded while chuckling all carefree, even petting the bull. And Ushi allowed it. Of course he did, given it was Itto who was petting him, ruffling his fur even.

The sight alone made Etsuko a little jealous, pouting even. She knew why Ushi allowed this and yet she wanted the privilege too, but no… She didn’t get the chance. The boss did, no one else, and it felt unfair. But that’s how it was. The two were in their own world in fact, petting and Ushi being asked if he was a ‘good boy’, as if a dog had just jumped right on the oni. And the bull did not mind at all, far from it, showing a wide range of affection at that point. It was disheartening but that was how it was it seemed. 

It took minutes until Itto would even bother with the girl sitting on her knees, staring at the sight for some time like a puffy tomato. It made the oni tilt his head for a moment before adjusting it properly, then asking with a grin (with a nuzzling, small bull on the side9: “You Etsuko! Don’t tell me ya ran into some problems with Ushi!”

Hearing him ask that made her puffy cheeks disappear, looking at the tall male for a moment before shaking her head shortly after. “No, not at all.” She responded and it was kind of true at the very least. Not actual problems, just… No petting allowed apparently, unless you’re Itto. 

“Then why that long face? Should’ve been easy peasy then to look after him!”

“Ah— W.. Well…” Should she tell him? Her head was debating but she would probably look stupid if she did. And besides, it was more than obvious who was playing favorites here. No use to complain. Eventually, Etsuko will need to think about a plan to win Ushi over perhaps… The time was not now after all.

“Nevermind. It was… Easy peasy?”

The oni looked at the girl with slight doubt, raising an eyebrow at first before most likely deciding to either dismiss it or just shrug it off, as if nothing happened. “Haha, see there? Unless you feel left out? If ya do then—”

“No, it ain’t like that!” She responded quickly, waving her hands in front of her face. “Just.. Don’t worry about it! Ushi was as easy as always! He’s fine~ All that matters, doesn’t it?”

Honestly, Etsuko was just trying to dismiss the topic altogether. Yeah, that was all Itto needed to know. It would be embarrassing to tell him about her trying to pet Ushi. That had to stay between her and the bull, for now.

Though she would try her damn hardest to pet him one way or another eventually! She will succeed one day! And before that happens she will refuse to leave Inazuma! So… She might be stuck here for a good few months then.

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