Joining Right In!

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Days have passed, weeks have passed, months have passed. That night back in the inn? Quickly forgotten, at least by the oni. After all, Itto had many other worries for the time being. And this incident had not been one of them. Honestly, he recalls it to be fun yet a little confusing. He had been approached by a drunk redhead within a mere bar, her showing no signs of shame nor regret. He had tried to refuse her, certainly, yet only a few words in and she provoked him enough for the oni to agree to something rather shameless. He didn’t hate it , far from that but concluded it would be best left forgotten. That chick was probably not being herself after all. It took no genius to figure out. So it was an easy one for the one and oni Arataki Itto to get behind it all! That didn’t change that he ashamedly lost to his own desires, his temptation. But what would one do if some hot chick pressed herself right against a guy!? Well, at least it wasn’t Miss Hina… But this was already bad enough! 

Long story short, it was very soon forgotten, having slipped his mind at the end of the week. He would journey on as always, not even worrying about how he would face this woman to begin with. After all, they would never meet again. There was nothing to worry about in the slightest. Nothing, nada, zero! He should be fine, right!? Right, of course! There was so much he had to do after all as the leader of his very own gang (as others do the thinking for him).

And so he thought of himself as being safe, the thought considered forgotten shortly after him bragging about it to his very own gang, most looking dumbfounded at their boss or applauding him. They did not hear the end of it for a few hours. Not like there would be any consequences to begin with, right? 

For a while life was just as glorious as always! Or life itself was just as always. From catching onikabuto to beetle fights to organizing festivals (and getting shooed away by the Kujou Tengu somewhere else) to beat the crap out of anyone daring to challenge him and him winning in the end (or not but we don’t talk about that, those times don’t count). Of course there were the occasional blunders here and there, boiling down to Itto being put into a cell and Shinobu having to bail him out but outside of that, life was good. He certainly had no complaints whatsoever. It was mundane but fun. Worthy of the one and oni!

And today was meant to be yet another day like this. It had been a rather early afternoon and it was sunny and warm enough outside. Perfect to find the next onikabuto to rise the ranks as a champion! Gotta show those kids a thing or three when it comes to beetle fights. Gotta test them if they are worthy and all of that. He was the expert of experts when it came to any of this stuff and he sure prides himself on it. On top of that he had been quiet at it for an hour or two at this point, making sure to smash the opponent with his ‘Emperor Crusher’. Oh the win streak, it was practically the oni’s lucky day with this find – A big, strong yet young beetle. Of course winning was inevitable at this point. Not just that but all the other onikabuto he racked up during all these fights as well as some other sweet rewards to celebrate his victory. 

Right now he was simply standing there, arms on his hips with his chest out loud and proud, fitting for his loud laughter which was echoing through the streets. Perhaps the oni had gathered some attention on him from several onlookers, yet was he to blame them? After all, they were currently witnessing a legend in the making! Not just that but he was used to having gazes right onto him for some time and didn’t dwell on it, not much at least.

Itto was standing in front of a small box, two purple onikabuto standing right on top of it. The one on his side was still standing, ready to rumble even, while the other beetle had been slammed onto its back, struggling to get up to begin with from this position. And right on the other end of the box was a young, small Inazuman boy, having his eyes wide in disbelief, very wide. He was trembling ever so slightly, perhaps having fallen down from the impact of the oni’s laugh, sitting there all defenseless. All he could do at this point was witnessing the giant oni laughing his heart and pride out before stretching out one of his hands out towards the losing onikabuto, holding out for it and snatching it right then and there. “This little fella’s all mine!” He announced right then and there, not even taking notice of the boy who was forced to witness all of this, nearly becoming teary eyed.

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