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His Pov:

She has brown hair that compliments her skin just right.

She have eyes that's sparkling under the moonlight she always admires.

She has this cute tiny nose and pink glossy lips that I always dream of kissing every time she pouts at me.

She's a little angel sometime, but turns into a cute little devil swaying her tail whenever she's mad.

I like the way she grumpily rants about how noisy their neighbours are every night that it disrupts her sleep.

And I love how she tells me how her day went; How cute the cat she daw on the sidewalk, How beautiful the stars everynight were, and how many meals she ate this day and what kind of food she in craving for, be it on the start of the day or in midnight.

I love how independent she has been despite the cause of it being so negative I want to smash the reason itself.

Even though I would love her to rely on me, I am not in a rush and I don't want to rush her to open up to me.

She can take her time because she is worth the wait.

Her independency is making me rely on her.

Her childish side and grumpimess is also a part of her that I really admire, why?

It's because of this side of hers that I can tell, I matter to her, and that she cares for me.

I love the way she stuffs the food in her mouth until her cheeks are like of those from a hamster.

I love the fact the she knows how to cook, it makes me dream of hugging her from behind as she cooks breakfast for us; me, her, and our future children.

I love how she tells me the life of fictional characters she read in a novel as she was crying, I love it because I want to be always be the one to wipe her tears away from her glistening eyes.

I also love the two cute dimples that peeks from cheeks every time she smiles at me.

I like her cute height that she finds as an insecurity, she fits me just right.

I'd love to embrace all of her faults, insecurities, and flaws.

Her adventurous side reminds me of the cartoon character she once told me about; I teased her to be "dora" because of their similarities since then, her nose gone be scrunching from irritation and her eyebrows are knitted as well as her lips, pouting.

This cute expression always have my heart racing and my ears turning red from giddy, which is why I love teasing her.

I am estatic when I'm with her, my mind is elated.

I feel at peace when she runs her mouth talking about everything that comes to her mind.

I am comfortable and at ease whenever she's around me.

I'll gladly be caged in her whimsy arms and be wrapped from her care and love forever.

She is my safe place, my home, and the love of my life.

All rights reserved 2023.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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