Chapter 12: The Plan

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They took off, and Sparks shouted out the directions to Dark Island so they wouldn't get lost. He was really worried about getting lost, and his panic increased more and more as their journey went on. The trees blew in the breeze below, and Sparks looked at the map for the thousandth time in ten minutes. The paper was old and torn, but the drawing on the map was beautiful, including the shape of Pluto, with all the continents. It was almost like a map of earth, but in earth's map, all the continents were hours away from each other, while on Pluto, they were only minutes. Sparks crinkled the paper in his talons, and looked at their destination. The bright colors of all the kingdoms almost glimmered, on what looked like the millions of stars in the sky. But Dark Island, however, looked like a black hole, sucking in the dragons from the outside. Devouring them whole, one by one. He shuddered, and then folded the map, and kept flying. Coco was at Dark Island, so he had to go there whether he liked it or not. 

"When are we going to get there?", Pineapple whined. Bamboo sighed, and Nightflyer anxiously whimpered, knowing that they were getting closer and closer... to death.

I hummed quietly, listening to the noises around me. The clanking of the chains against scales, and the grunts of pain and sorrow, from every cell, in sight, and out. I checked through the bars at the cell in front of mine, to see if Coco had indeed awakened from her sleep. She hadn't. I took a deep breath, and put my head back down on the dirty floor. She hadn't opened her eyes since she arrived, and I was getting worried. I only knew her from when I was her flight teacher back when she was just a dragonet. But we kept in touch, and we've been writing letters ever since. But when I got accused of murder (I think it was framed, still not sure), I didn't get the chance to talk. I was hoping she would wake up so we could talk, but I was still afraid of why she hadn't woken up. It got me thinking, though, why was she here in the first place?

"Guys! I think we're here!", Sparks hoped, turning his head back to the others, hoping that they were all still there. As much as he dreaded thinking about it, he didn't want anyone to be lost before they even arrived at the island! Bamboo was excited to go on a new adventure. And Sunmaker was nervous, but also happy that they were away from their mum, that they had longed to stand up to for years. Pineapple was excited as ever, but still had a mix of emotions on the inside, that included nervousness, and guilt, that maybe she was going to do something wrong and ruin the group's rescue plan.

Sparks turned back to the front, just as Dark Island came into view. He gasped, and Pineapple squealed in delight, but Sunmaker swore they heard her whimper at the end. Bamboo was in awe, and Nightflyer was about to faint in anxiety.

It looked like a giant blackhole, but with a small amount of light; fire. Dragons roamed the area, with their dark as night scales, and their bright as blood eyes. All the trees that were in sight, were either dead or gone, and giant metal buildings towered over the island, like they were the most powerful thing on Pluto. But the thing that was truly the main focal point, was the huge building around the middle of the island. It looked like every other building, but with two differences. There were guards around every corner, and a huge sign made of rusty metal just above the giant entrance. It read:

Sparks shivered, and was glad he was born away from this horrible place

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Sparks shivered, and was glad he was born away from this horrible place. He could now see why people were so afraid of him. But now, he thought, he had always been anxious, even if he had no reason. But maybe, just maybe, that was because he was afraid of himself.

I don't know why, but I feel like someone was coming for her. Coco. I glanced at her cell once more, just to check if she had woken up yet. She still hadn't. But suddenly, she stirred, and I got really hopeful! But it was a false alarm, as she just put her head back down on the prison floor. At least I knew she wasn't dead, now! The guard passed our cells once more, and it was almost like I had a vision. But that's weird! Only moon dragons can see the future, and that's only when they're in danger! Plus, I'm a Rose dragon anyway! But it's almost like I saw, in my mind, some dragons. Different breeds. Together. As one. And they were... just outside the prison?!

After arguing to actually find a safe and quiet place to land, they all tried to figure out what their next move would be.

"We should make a plan!", Nightflyer mumbled. She was still super anxious. But they all were. They were on Dark Island. The most dangerous place in the history of Pluto! She didn't want to make too much noise, because she was pretty sure Sparks had said that Dark dragons have super sensitive hearing. Or maybe that was just her imagination? Moving on, they all decided on a good plan. To start, Sparks took a deep breath in, and let Bamboo do her thing. She cracked her claws, and took flight.

To initiate the first step of the plan, Bamboo flew over the dark clouds. So that she wouldn't be seen. Her breathing was heavy, and as much as she looked confident, she was as nervous as a small mouse. But her nervousness wouldn't stop her. She pressed on, looking down through the dark clouds, squinting, and trying to see where to land. Then, she saw it. The one part of the giant prison that wasn't guarded. She wondered why, but also started to come through the clouds, landing just next to the opening of the building, careful to not be seen. She heard the ground crunch beneath her, hoping it wouldn't disturb the other dragons, and then made one of the small plants grow quite tall, to give the signal to the others of the group, that commenced the second step of the plan.

First, Bamboo made the plant die again, making sure it wouldn't attract anymore attention (Although she thought that someone had already seen it). Then, it was Sparks and Sunmaker's turn. Pineapple was going to help with this step, but they realised it would be too risky, seeing that Pineapple was a loud dragon! So while Sparks distracted the guards at the front, Sunmaker would use some of her power to stun the guards around the building, creating a diversion, letting Bamboo to go in, and find Coco.

So, while Sunmaker snuck around the building, Sparks flew in to distract the guards. They looked like old dragons that had just woken up from sleep, so Sparks knew it wouldn't be hard to distract them.

"Hello, guards! Just wondering if I could let a subject out? Direct orders from the queen!", Sparks asked them, causing one of them to wake up (They were sleeping by lying on their spear), and the other to turn their head. Sparks was very nervous, considering he hadn't actually met any other dark dragons before, so he had tried to speak with minimal happiness, but not too cruel either.

One of the guards sighed, and took a good look at Sparks.

"Name?", they asked, making Sparks almost whimper. They wouldn't know his real name, so he had to make it up. He certainly couldn't use Nighthunter, because he's dead, and he quickly looked around for any inspiration that he could use.

"Ummm... Darkdoom!", he said. But then, he realised, they would probably have a list of all the dark dragons that were living on Dark Island, so the made up name wouldn't really do anything, considering that it probably wasn't a real name. The guard thought for a moment, and then looked at the other guard, who was almost asleep, and about to collapse onto the dirty ground.

"I've never heard of any 'Darkdoom'", he said. "But I guess I'll allow it. I can't keep up with everyone living here anyway, especially if you're a servant for Queen Mythos.", the guard sighed, using his key to open the door, which creaked, as it slid across the dirt. Sparks let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you!", he said, and without thinking, thrust his forearm across his head, as if it was a pact. The guard looked confused, but threw his forearm over his head anyway, thinking it was a new action that the Queen had ordered.

But suddenly, the guard mysteriously looked up, bowing himself, and then came back up, with the most neutral expression Sparks had seen him have, since they met. He wondered why he would bow to him, out of the blue, but then... he realised. He slowly turned, coming face to face... with Queen Mythos... 

By the way, you guys don't have to care, but I hit 20 000 words!- 27quil

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