Beauty unveiled

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Thank you readers for your patience and your enthusiasm to reach till here. Well who wouldn't like to read character sketch of girl. So here's a poem for her.

Gazing at her expression so fair,
I steal glances, its a secret affair,
In the corner hidden from her sight
A flicker of doubt, will my heart take flight.
Everyday I admire her grace,
Wonder if I'll find a rightful place,
In the tapestry of her world,so bright
Will she notice me, in this gentle light?
With hope in my heart, I silently yearn,
For her sweet affection, a love to discern,
As I continue to watch from secret lee
I dreamt of a moment , when She'll notice me.

So how should I start. Um, well she is beautiful, medium height, chubby cheeks and attractive smile. Those brown eyes would sound ordinary to you but for me those are pearls and pink spectacles to cover them. But the problem arises here, behind those eyes and beautiful smile, a past , maybe painful or disturbing past hides. I want to know about it desperately but her trust on me lacks somewhere for her unveil it.I want to know about it, not out of curiosity but out of concern. Her friendly nature, a beacon attracting companions from every corner, transforms her into a walking friendmaker machine.Amidst this circle, I find myself, enamored by more than friendship. She, my cute tubelight, might not boast intellectual prowess, but her endearing simplicity continually captivates my heart.Bonus, she is damn innocent. For someone who is a college student doesn't know about adult videos and when told went to search to check what exactly it is. What can you expect from her. She says that I should give hints to girl I like, but who will tell her that I gave her many hints but she is dumb enough to not understand them. Her beauty is to be observed everyday. She is to be observed everyday.She is also a wanderer, travels in her fantasy world full of imagination and even would do in running class. But I sometimes doubt that if her fantasy imagination is true or it's just a lie to hide her   recalling her memories from others. And I really want to find about it.
Yes, I really did fall in love. I fell in love with her. No one else just her. She gives me butterflies when I get message from her. I secretly smile when I hear her name.
So, in this captivating narrative, the plot thickens, and with each passing chapter, the anticipation of discovering the depths of her being intensifies.

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