Beginning of New Life

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The beginning of college life was a whirlwind of excitement, marked by the transition to a new city, new friendships, and newfound freedom. Initially, the freedom felt liberating, but it didn't take long for me to realize that it could also be a potential career hazard without supervision.

Let me share an example that will set the stage for the story. It all revolves around a girl, whose name I'll keep a secret for now. She may not seem outwardly different from others, but she holds a special place in my heart. You see, I'm not the type of person who falls for just anyone. What I seek goes beyond looks – it's inner beauty. For me, inner beauty encompasses qualities like behavior, personality, kindness, a good sense of humor, friendliness, and frankness. I understand these standards might sound high, but remember, this girl is exceptional in my eyes. And, yes, she's beautiful, which is a bonus, but I don't prioritize looks because, in my experience, every person is beautiful once you get to know them through their nature.

Let's go back to the beginning, the first day of college. I was eager to sit in those grand lecture halls with staircase benches, but my expectations were swiftly dashed. No staircase benches, no air-conditioned classrooms, just a big disappointment. However, let's fast forward to the good part. As I walked in, I noticed the mix of mining and civil engineering students (I belong to the latter). There were many girls, and I thought the biggest problem in an engineering college, the shortage of girls, wouldn't apply here.

I took a seat in the corner of the first row, intending to be alone, away from the crowd. But soon, a teacher instructed the mining students to move to a different room, and in no time, the class was nearly empty, with all the girls gone. So, the engineering college's girl shortage problem was still alive and well. I then nodded off in class for about 30 minutes. Later, another teacher (the math teacher) came in, and when I awoke, the class was once again full. However, my focus was solely on academics, and I didn't pay attention to the girls at that point.

For the first two days, I maintained this routine until a fellow first-year civil engineering student named Ashutosh, or Ashu for short, approached me. His approach was a masterpiece. That morning, I happened to be wearing a yellow T-shirt, and at dinner, he told me he was also a first-year civil student. I responded with a nonchalant, "Nice, good, should I dance now?" We started going to college together, and I soon realized that Ashu had a unique talent – the ability to strike up conversations with girls. He managed to befriend around 10 of the 15-20 girls in our class. That's talent, for sure.

Through Ashu, I eventually met the girl who would become special to me. Initially, she seemed ordinary because I didn't know her. I'd experienced people being judgmental based on skin color and appearance throughout my school life, and it made me hesitant to initiate conversations. I forgot to introduce myself, so let me provide a brief introduction.

My name is the same as the author of this story. I was born in Uttar Pradesh, spent six years in Delhi, and then lived in Jaipur for eleven years before enrolling in NIT Raipur to pursue a B.Tech in civil engineering. About my character, I don't like to boast, but here's a quick overview: I have a helping nature, I'm kind, I enjoy giving, and I can be an amazing friend if the interest is reciprocated. In exams, if you ask me a question, I'll give you the answer for sure. As for my appearance, I have dark skin, and I've been the subject of teasing and ridicule for most of my life, which is why I call people "racist." It's become such a habit that I started seeing myself as the center of laughter, simply because people would burst into laughter when I entered a room, even without saying a word. So, now you understand why I don't place much importance on outward appearances; I know the pain it can cause.

That's the brief introduction to my character. The next chapter will delve into the character sketch of the girl in question.

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