"I am aware of those particular rumours, yes, but I fear they are highly sensationalised."

He spoke as though this was a distasteful topic he had to bear with nobly. In reality, Renathal derived a small frisson of pleasure every time he heard it mentioned. His affair with the Maw Walker was secret by necessity - just the thought of what Denathrius would do with the information made him shudder - but if their upcoming raid was successful...if the Sire was safely out of the way...

"Eh, don't worry about it." The Maw Walker's goblin bumped Renathal's leg in another gesture of familiarity he was not sure was merited. "There's always rumours like that about our champion, wherever she goes."

Renathal nodded absently, still considering pleasant post-Nathrian possibilities. Then he frowned as the goblin's words caught up to him.

"What do you mean?"


"What sort of rumours follow her around?"

"Oh, ya know."

When Renathal's expression made it clear he did not, the goblin waved a hand as if the explanation hung obviously in the air.

"That's she hookin' up with this or that head of whatever city or land or order. Hazard of the trade. Spend enough time rubbin' shoulders with world leaders, people are bound to talk."

"So ... she is typically close with the leaders of the different worlds she assists?" asked Renathal as casually as he could manage around the sudden churning in his stomach.

"Oh, for sure!" confirmed the goblin. "And here in the Shadowlands too. It's not just you. There's a rumour like that in every realm. Really, it don't mean nothin'."

Renathal lifted his cup to his lips and downed its scalding contents in one, wishing, uncharacteristically, it contained something stronger than tea. While most of the Venthyr - and their Master himself - were considerably fond of anima wine, Renathal had never been one to overindulge in alcohol. Usually, he preferred to be in control of himself at all times. Just now, however, he thought he could use assistance in taking the edge off his growing consternation.

Obviously, Renathal knew he was not the Maw Walker's only sexual partner. But he had assumed he was her only current one.

Wracking his brain for the reason he had believed this so unassailably, Renathal was only distantly aware of the goblin's grating voice. Surely the Maw Walker had said something to allow him to form this conclusion? But ... except for a few ambiguous remarks - most made while in the throes of ecstasy - he could not remember her ever confirming this assumption explicitly.

A sudden lingering silence distracted Renathal from his unhappy reverie. The goblin was blinking expectantly, clearly anticipating some sort of response. Renathal gave a mysterious tilt of his head that might have meant anything or nothing at all, and the goblin launched into another long-winded babble that Renathal, once more, ignored.

Probably, the idea that he was special to the Maw Walker had sprung from the fact that she most certainly was to him. His mortal Nightborne lover was like nothing he had ever encountered, and their relationship - whatever it was - was wholly different than anything he had experienced before. It was comforting and titillating, safe and sensational all at once. Never had one being offered the answer to his every need, both open and unvoiced. The idea that he might not be as singular to her distressed Renathal greatly, and he ground his fangs as the goblin again butchered his name.

"So whattaya say, Ren? You in?"

"No," said Renathal shortly, without any idea what he was declining. "And I am afraid I must insist on a more respectful form of address in future. Do excuse me."

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