Vices and Vows

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Takes place before the imprisonment of Denathrius, soon after 'Eternity.'

It was the first time since the Ember Court was instituted that the Maw Walker was not in attendance, a disappointment Renathal had accepted with what he considered supernatural good grace. What he could not forgive her were the guests she had saddled him with in her absence.

"Well, at least it's lighter up here, I suppose. But how is it still no warmer?"

The Sin'Dorei whom Renathal now knew was not a healer but a member of the Kirin Tor wrapped both gloved hands around a steaming cup of Theotar's strongest brew. He shivered elegantly, much to the appreciation of several Venthyr socialites who had taken to following the tow-headed mortal around. Renathal's legendary self-control just managed to keep his eye roll in check.

"Our Maw Walker has thoughtfully provided the Ember Court with an excessive number of candles," he told the elf patiently. "Something will inevitably catch on fire."

For some reason, the Sin'Dorei did not find this a comfort, and began expressing himself accordingly. Renathal wondered how badly it would affect their prospects against Denathrius if what caught fire this court were the elf's purple robes.

After all, more and more mortals arrived every day. Surely, offending this one would not disrupt their entire plan? Sinfall - and the Ember Court - were stretched to capacity with a greater variety of creatures than either had ever seen. The gathered forces were preparing to move on Castle Nathria within a fortnight. Less, if the Maw Walker could wrap up her missions in the other realms.

Renathal's fingernails clicked impatiently against his teacup, and he reminded himself sternly not to feel bitter toward his champion. The Maw Walker did not belong to him exclusively, and he knew firsthand how indispensable she was to the plans of every realm. Still, he was having trouble adjusting to her increased absences. He could not stop his eyes flicking around the courtyard, compulsively seeking the purple light he knew he would not find.

In spite of the unprecedented number of mortal beings, without the Maw Walker, the Ember Court was missing its life.

As far as Renathal was concerned, if she was not here, there was no reason to have court at all, and he wondered if enough time had yet passed to conceivably bring this session to a close. He turned with the intention of finding and asking Temel, and bumped his shins on the being behind him.

"Hey, watch it!"

"My humblest apologies," said Renathal.

He stooped to offer assistance to the creature he had knocked over but was beaten to it by a long-fingered green hand; a hand he recognised. The Maw Walker's self-appointed goblin manager and quasi-friend yanked the other creature, also a goblin, back to its feet.

"How ya doin', Ren?" cried the goblin Renathal knew - though not nearly well enough to warrant such a jarring nickname. "Meet the gang! Everyone - this here's the Venthyr Prince, Renathal."

The "gang" consisted entirely of goblins as far as Renathal could tell, their skin and hair running a spectrum of different colourful shades. He nodded politely at the scrum of small beings, and they blinked up at him in varying levels of open interest.

"This is the Prince?" cried the one Renathal had knocked over. "The guy the champion's banging?"

Behind Renathal, the Sin'Dorei snorted unbecomingly into his cup, and several of his Venthyr admirers tutted in disapproval. The Maw Walker's goblin scowled at the catcaller and boxed its ragged ear.

"What, like it's a secret?" continued the goblin unabashed. "No one in the inn talks about anything else!"

Saving everyone involved from further embarrassment, Renathal offered the brash being a gracious smile.

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