the tragedy followed at last

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Nobody died on the first of december.

Nobody was found, nobody bled out, nobody died on the first of december.

That did not cure the horrible feeling that grew in Jisung's gut. When he straightened the black suit he was wearing, when he ran his hands through his hair, when he pulled up the collar of his laced shirt. There was something wrong with his stomach on this day.

At five in the evening, the sun had long started to set, Minho knocked on the door. He wore a crimson satin suit with a similar laced shirt, a bouquet of roses in his hand. He held them out to Jisung when he opened the door, a gentle smile plastered on his lips. It gave the younger goosebumps.

"Have fun, sweetie", his mother said as Jisung accepted the flowers. "Tell your boyfriend he's free to eat with us when you come back."

Jisung sighed, ignoring the subtle undertone in his mom's voice. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh, well he can eat with us anyway." Jisung only nodded and closed the door behind him. Minho offered him his arm, and after giving him a long, judging look, he took it.

They walked to school in silence. Even Minho kept his mouth shut. When they arrived, Jisung lowered his head. Many people were looking at them, understandably so. Most pairs were made of a boy and a girl, not a boy and a boy. "Are you uncomfortable?"

For the first time in forever, Minho's voice calmed Jisung down. He nodded slightly, letting go of the older's arm. "I don't think we should-"

"Please don't care about what they think", Minho interrupted him and softly pulled him into a less crowded corner of the auditorium. "If they don't like what they see, they can look away. Please let us enjoy this together."

Jisung hesitantly looked up. He regretted it, because the calm the older's voice gave him mere seconds ago vanished immediately. Minho had that look on his face again. The charming smile and the shiny eyes that made Jisung feel like he was going to die. "Okay."

He let Minho take his hand to place it on his shoulder, shivering slightly when he felt the older's own hand grab his waist. "Then let's dance, shall we?"

For a couple of minutes, Jisung forgot where they were. He and Minho seemed to be alone in the room, turning in the rhythm of the music that played out of the turntable. Something about the other's gaze drew him in, mesmerized him. He hadn't felt like this before.

Jisung didn't like Minho romantically, and he definitely wasn't in love with him, he was sure. But looking at him here, looking so beautiful in his crimson attire, he might as well fall right now. He had long known Minho had pretty facials, but somehow they were much more apparent today. Those beautiful dark eyes stared into his own with an unreadable expression. 

A hint of playfulness, regret, desperation and maybe even love. Jisung let out a sigh and let these weird emotions take over. He started leaning in, a grin forming on Minho's lips. Tinted lips that Jisung loved to feel on his own. But then the song ended, and Jisung could feel the stares of the other student again. 

He started leaning in the opposite direction, Minho's grin faded. "Are you okay?"

Jisung didn't reply right away, instead he pushed the older away slightly. "I'll be right back."

And then he rushed out of the auditorium. His footsteps clacked over the stone floor and bounced off the cold walls of the hallways. He ran up the staircase and slid into a random unlocked room. It turned out to be one of the older classrooms, the ones in desperate need of renovation.

Thick spider webs hung in the corners, the wallpaper peeled off the walls and the arched windows were so dirty you could barely look outside. Jisung sat down on the dusty floor, the wood creaking dangerously. He buried his face in his head at hot tears streamed down his face.

splatters of blood ; minsungWhere stories live. Discover now