It lands again and stalks towards me, i end up craning my neck to look up at the creature.

I felt intimidated to be sure but not yet scared, although the smell of this strange creature was definitely both something i would expect from something that flies. It smells of death and more specifically decay.

It stared down at me, extending its wings as i saw the sides of its face lift u, as though it was being defensive or intimidating, it was like the gills of an axolotl.

"What in the hell are you?" I breathe, its wings were fully spread out now, they alone were double the width of my own wing span(length of arms held out).

His wings were beautiful but his claws and sharp teeth made his scary.

I am Creeper.

My eyes dart to his in confusion "was that you?" I ask him.

He nods sharply once, his hat sliding forward, i lift my hand the creature tensed before i lightly pushed the hat back.

"Sorry, it looked like it was gonna slip off your head" i apologise, the creature tiles its head again "can i be completely honest with you?" It nods again sharply "you need a bath" i see its eyes light up in amusement before it turns its head looking down the road.

"I really need to get to the airport, i am to fly to Texas, see you i guess" i wave at him as he stares down the road, he was tense.

I adjust my duffel on my back before starting my jog once more, i hope he doesn't follow me, the amount of attention it would cause it worrying.

I feel a hand grab my duffel and pull up, i scream as i am lifted off the ground and into the air quickly "What the fuck!" I shout before looking at the creature "if you drop me i will haunt you for eternity!" I threaten it, i see its lips pull up.

You are definitely an interesting boy.

I feel him pull me closer before he wraps an arm around my waist, holding in tighter than needed.

I'll take you to Texas, i want to see how you react to the other two.

He suddenly dives and i close my eyes expecting to be dead, to my surprise though when i open my eyes we are gliding quickly again high in the sky.

I see a plane as we pass it.

This guy was terrifyingly fast!

I'm glad he doesn't want to eat me or kill me...yet.

I look down as i see the land change from a flush green to a more dried green and soon we were out of Finland.

"Hey man, i appreciate you trying to help me but i was more than happy to go by plane, at least i could sleep that way!" I shout over the wind whistling past us, he stops flying forward and we just fly in place for a minute before i feel a pressure on the back of my neck "fuck you.." I manage to say before it all goes black.


I groan as I felt warm air whip around me, where was i?

I peel my eyes open and see a farm below me, arms tighten around me as the creature, Creeper dives towards the ground.

He pulls up and softly lands before placing me down as well.

"What?" I ask him confused, he points to the old farmhouse as i slowly approach it, i look back and see him watching me intently.

I see what appears to be red hair in the cornfield beside me and squint, trying to see closer.

"Boo!" A clown jumps out at me and i step back in surprise.

Blood Brothers(Male OC x Slashers)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin