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"You have to look at me and use your words Wren." Billie sternly said while her girlfriend cried.
"I-I. She." Wren started, her sobs choking her.
"Deep breaths."
"She tripped me. A-and. I fell and it went everywhere." She cried, finally explaining why there's coffee all over her clothing.
Billie got out of the car and went to confront the girl but wren tried to stop her.
"Billie. Please i-it isn't that serious." Wren begged. She didn't want Billie to get in trouble at all.
"Wren. I'm not gonna do anything. I promise baby. Please just calm down." Billie placed a kiss on her girlfriends lips and fully got out of the car, slamming the door behind her and locking the door with the key.
Wren watched her girlfriend walk into the coffee shop calmly. She watched Billie approach the girl through the large windows.
And then Billie was coming right back to wren.
"I told you it'll be alright baby. Let me see if there's any burns." Billie said while lifting wrens shirt up.
And to Billie's surprise there were minor burns across wrens chest and stomach. They weren't really bad but they were burning enough to make wren uncomfortable.
So Billie made the decision to cut the date short and just take wren home to care for her.
Finally when they arrived back at home she was done crying. As soon as they got inside Billie took wren to the bathroom and removed her shirt carefully.
Billie grabbed a soft cloth and wet it with warm water and began carefully wiping it across Wrens burned skin.
Wren winced In pain and tried to push Billie's hand away.
"I know it hurts baby but I have to clean it."
Billie finished cleaning the burn and carried wren to the bedroom.
She gave her some clothes to change into so they can cuddle.
"I'm sorry for ruining our date today." Wren quietly said while looking up at Billie.
"You didn't ruin it baby. It's okay I promise."

Little space; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now