𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. the mind healer (spoiler! it's Amanda Lèsa Mer)

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chapter twenty-seven. 
xxvii. the mind healer (spoiler! 
it's Amanda Lèsa Mer)!


Theodore Nott is a Bitch — Cherry 

Theodore Nott is a Bitch 
no I'm not 

you're not what? 

Theodore Nott is a Bitch 
i'm not a bitch? 

i don't know what to tell you... 
sucks to suck? 🥴 

Theodore Nott is a Bitch 
okay...now there's no reason to be 
so fucking bitchy. what happened 
to you today? 

 fire = infidelity = sad me 

Theodore Nott is a Bitch 
i've said sorry hundreds of times 

but I still found out from pansy & daphne 
unofficially. would you like me to fuck 
half of the population in hogwarts, and 
you would only find out because i fucked 
draco and he told you? no, you wouldn't. 
so yes, i have the right to remain bitter. 

Theodore Nott is a Bitch 
I have to talk to you about something important 

and you just ignored my rant 
i see how it is 

Theodore Nott is a Bitch 
No, Cherry, I didn't ignore your rant. your 
rant leads right to this subject. But I need 
you to be in the right headspace for this. 
So no "Theodore Nott is a Bitch" alright? 


          ( Cherry renamed Theodore Nott is a Bitch to Theodore Nott )

Theodore Nott 
Thank you, Cherry 

so...what did you want to talk about? 

Theodore Nott 
when you came over to mine, you 
freaked out about the fire and all. 
and I know you never went to see 
a mind healer. 


Theodore Nott 
I was thinking that maybe we should 
go see a mind healer together. 

 first of all.. why are you assuming
didn't see a mind healer? 

Theodore Nott 
because I know your parents said 'no' 
please Cherry, you know, just like me, 
that this will do us both good 

i'll think about it 

Theodore Nott 
Sucks to suck. 
I've got a sesson lined up. 
2 weeks 

excuse me? 
don't you need my consent 
that you won't be getting 😳 

Theodore Nott 
got your consent last winter when 
we were planning to search for a 
mind healer. I'm all set 100% 

that should be illegal, it's been a year?? 

Theodore Nott 
but it's not. so. 
2 weeks 

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐒, mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now