!! Yr 3 !! (~Snowfall at Hogwarts~)

Start from the beginning

Y/n shrugs, "I don't really feel like dealing with my father's shit, so I might just stay her for Christmas. I think Blaise said he would stay, too." she says.

Harry's jaw clenches as the hand holding Y/n's moves from her hand to her waist. He pulls her closer to him as they reach her common room entrance. 

"You alright?" Y/n asks, concerned at the change in his demeanor. 

"Fine." Harry says, looking down. 

Y/n places her hand on his bicep, making him look up.

"I'm staying for Christmas as well. You could join me, Hermione and Ron." Harry speaks softly, looking into the girls eyes. He could stare into her eyes all day long and never get tired of it. He's always felt that way about her eyes and her smile. Though he has no idea when he truly realized just how much he loved those things about her. "I-if you w-wanted, that is. Blaise can join too, I suppose." He says the other boys name as if it were a disease.

Y/n smiles at Harry, moving her hand to ruffle his hair. He blushes softly at the affectionate action.

"I would love to spend my Christmas with you and my favorite gryffindor pals." Y/n says, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to scrub all of this dirt off of myself." She gestures to her dirtied uniform and the dirt smudges all over her exposed skin.

She says the password to make the door of her common room appear and walks in, waving goodbye to Harry. 

In the common room, there sat two very nosy friends of Y/n's, practically falling over each other to get a look at who Y/n was with. Before they can get a glimpse, the door closes behind the smiling girl.

Y/n looks up, her smile fading slightly. 


"We weren't doing anything I swear!"

"Sorry, we were just curious."

Daphne hits Blaise over the head for apologizing instead of denying. Y/n rolls her eyes at her best friends, shaking her head.

She walks past them and makes her way up to her dorm to freshen up and plan what she would get Harry for Christmas.



It was now one week before Christmas. Y/n had sent her mother and father a letter to inform them that she would be staying at Hogwarts for the holidays.

Daphne and Pansy were packing their trunks while Y/n sat on her bed, scratching out gift ideas for Harry in her notebook.

Daphne and Pansy look over to Y/n as she grabs a pillow, shoves it over her face, and screams into it. The two share a knowing glance, walking over to help their frustrated friend. 

"Still no ideas?" Pansy asks, rubbing Y/n's back gently. 

Y/n nods with her head still in the pillow. She sighs, shoulders falling from their stiff position, and looks up at her two dormmates. 

"What am I going to do? I already spent most of my money on your Christmas gifts and Hermione's. Hell, I even got the Weasley a gift!" Y/n says exasperatedly, not taking any breaths between her words. "How could I forget to get Potter a present for Christmas?"

Daphne shrugs, "You've been stressed this month with holidays, exams, Blaise not being able to stay, and your parents. It's not surprising that you forgot to get his gift." 

Y/n nods in agreement before jumping upright as a light bulb flicks on in her head, "That's it!" The girl jumps up from her bed, grabs her coat and scarf, and runs out of the dorm quickly. 

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