Day 19| Habit

123 9 26

No trigger warning-

Minecraft Logic? Never heard of her :3
If he wants to pick up a chest/barrel full of something without everything coming out, he can!


Yawning before stretching, wings flaring to their full sizes. The feathered limbs fluff and shake.

"Oh, Big Stretch and a Big Yawn!" Marigold says with a large grin.

I just chuff, before rolling off of the couch and onto the floor. I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth, shaking my entire body.

Walking over to Marigold I gently comb my claws through his hair before heading to the kitchen.

Going to a chest I open the lid, looking to see wh- ooo shiny! I grab the golden apple and chitter. Darn it! I set the Golden Apple right back dow, grabbing a raw fish.

Glancing over my shoulder to see Marigold sitting on the floor of the living room. Times pet rat, Biscuit, sits in Marigolds hands.

Biting into my fish as I watch Marigold pet the rat. I chitter softly, crunching into the bones.

He looks up at me and tilts his head, the door opens and both our heads glance towards the door. Time enters with Sage, they were talking to one another.

I can see the snow falling outside, my wings fluff and I shiver, yawning slightly. Shaking my head once I finished my fish, Elemental walks down the stairs, entering the kitchen.

He nods to me and grabs a slice of pie.

The chest was still open, my eyes slid to the golden apple, there was more than one. So many shiny... My pupil expands.

Going on all fours before launching myself into the chest, "Sabre!" Elemental cackles, "Time he's in the chest again-"

"Get out of the chest! You don't need the apples! You have plenty of shiny in your room!" I hear someone walk over but I bite down into one of the golden apples, I feel a hand grab my neck.

Going limp, the apple falls from my mouth. I'm pulled out of the chest. Hissing, my wings fluff.

"Quit that." Sage sighs in response. Oh I forgot he was here!

"Hey! Hello Lemon Man!" I nudge my forehead against his.

"Yes, Yes, hello Sire. Now go do your job." He gently headbutts me back.


I crouched next to the lake near the village, Misty was swimming around with the aquatic creature friends.

My eyes zero in on a fish swimming closer to me. A trout, it was a nice size. I lower myself closer to the ground, my tail helps keep me from falling over.

My wings tuck in, and I shuffle waiting for it to get slightly closer. Wiggling I launch into the water burying my fangs into its scales. It flops against my face, I push out of the water. Flapping my wings to get out of the lake, landing on shore, fish now dead.

It was my chore, to get fish before winter befalls the village. I'm not the only one fishing but I'm quite good at it. Besides now that I'm a leader, I have duties to perform. And one of those duties is keeping my flock safe and fed.

I drop the dead fish in a barrel, checking to see the amount of fish so far:

A stack and a half of salmon.
Half a stack of cod.
Twenty-five of each Largemouth and Small mouth Bass.
Fifteen lake trout.
Ten rainbow trout.
And five catfish.

Chromatober|Writing Challenge| Hosted By LoneRangerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ