The Bloodbath- Moonwatcher

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"Ladies and gentlemen, let the twenty-fourth Hunger Games begin!" The high, clear voice of Lady Bloodworm of the HiveWings, the official announcer of the games, echoed throughout the arena, and at that moment, the other tributes surrounding Moon lept of their platforms, and either sprinted straight for the forest or into the centre of the arena, were a huge sculpture of a dragon skull awaited, filled with weapons, food and bags of utilities. Moon spotted a silver bow, just lying there, and it was so close, so she ignored what Starflight had told her earlier, and ran straight for it.


There were many tributes fighting in the centre of the arena, and Moon recognized two of them- Winter, and his sister Icicle. Moon saw Icicle slit the throat of another MudWing, and she saw Winter turn towards her, and she saw his raise his spear, and she grabbed the bow in front of her, raised it, and-


It was too late. Winter had thrown his spear. But she didn't feel anything at all, and she heard the sound of someone falling behind her. A SkyWing. Flame.

What just happened? She thought. She stared at Winter and Icicle. Icicle was fighting another MudWing, and Winter was just staring at her, holding an axe in his hand. She got to her feet, grabbed another bag and a knife that Flame was holding, and ran straight into the forest.

Moon didn't stop running for another half hour, until her arms were scraped with branches, and her legs were sore. She collapsed beside a running river. What had happened in the centre of the arena? Why hadnt Winter just killed her? It made sense that he would kill the SkyWing, but he could have just thrown the axe in his hand... the anthem of the HiveWing's played in the sky, distracting her thoughts, and she saw the symbol of the Capitol appear, followed by the dead tributes. From District 2- Flame, of course, none from District 3, the male SeaWing from District 4, and the both MudWing tributes from District 6. Everyone else was still alive. Four dead from the bloodbath. No where near the amount that usually sometimes happened in previous years, sometimes most of the tributes died on the first day. She guessed that maybe most of the tributes hadn't gone for the centre, after seeing Icicle and Winter working together. She cupped her hands to collect the water, and drank.

Now she had to think of a way to get sponsors. According to Starflight, she was doing fine in that category from the Interviews with Lady Cicada, but she wasn't sure. Morrowseer had said that at best, she wasn't hated by the capitol. According to him, she had not captured their attention yet. I trust Starflight more.. But I think Morrowseer is right. A score of 8 isn't good enough to get sponsors, and I would barely be memorable in my interviews, she thought.

In previous games, as the games went on, the last few tributes tended to receive more sponsors. The most deadly and merciless tributes also received sponsors. She remembered watching Morrowseers games, when he won, and he started receiving a lot more gifts after teaming up with the Careers. Moon was quite sure the Career group was not going to accept her. Icicle, Winter, Barracuda, and Carnelian, all from 1,2 and 4, were the type of tributes that always won. Large, powerful, strong and trained since birth. She wasn't sure how long she would be able to survive here. She looked through the supplies she had. A few packets of crackers in the bag she got from Flame, a long dagger and scabbard, and a silver bow and quiver. She slung the bow and bag over her bag, and stood up. She should keep going.

Maybe I'll find something useful, she thought.

The parts before the game, such as the Reaping, Interviews and tributes interacting will be published later on

Also side note- all the characters are human. Some still have similar dragon- like powers, like the IceWings able to freeze people they touch,  RainWings being able to shoot venom from their mouths,  SeaWings being able to breathe underwater, SandWings able to survive a long time without food, and SkyWings able to set fire to flammable substances by breathing fire. Most NightWings have no powers, but Moon can see glimpses of the future sometimes.

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