•~Habits by Genevieve Stokes~•

[1st POV]

I've been thinking about it a lot about my decisions lately, if it what I decide was right or wrong. I mean it's been 2 months already and I can't stop thinking about my studies. I just realize how much I despise stress and anxiety, and now I am here I even hate it.

Hi! My name is Princess Mae, I have been living under a rock and this is my story.

On August 28, 20XX I transferred to a school that's actually near our Subdivision, and since I'm a Filipina we always take a drive from our service which is called a "Tricycle", yeah It's every weekdays from Monday to Friday. But that's not the whole point of this story, my point is...

How should I start with my own Hopeless story.

A story so complicated that I don't know what to do and yet I kept on moving forward, I am actually looking for myself since I'm quick to be lost in the crowd full of thoughts. Yes I overthink, like a lot. And here I am compiling a lot of my thoughts over what I really do.

So let's start on the first day... I met one friend and it's a she. I kept her on track and she's my first friend in that school we were currently studying and there's our third friend and he's a he, but he's two lines. He has someone😏 and he's open about it as well his partner. I met those two and here we are talking until we're tired of chatting and just waiting for the day to come to just hang out at school. It's also the first time I'm in the middle part of the friendship, since the girl friend is a year older than me and the boy friend is a year younger than me and for "Ate" he's 2 years younger.

And so, here is my story...

I actually fell in love with a duck...

No I'm serious! (But not really a duck)

In my eyes he looks like a duck and he'a actually cute, just the way he's eyes shines whenever he smiles, the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he speaks, the way he's just funny...- okay I need to stop, BUT BRUH! HE'S SO ADORABLE! But I'm actually scared of him. Hehehe *wipes away nervous sweats*

I didn't know what happened and how come I fall for a guy like him, and HE'S YOUNG! I feel like I've been kicked in the gut because of Reality. I can only talk to him when I feel like he's not scary. I swear on my life he look so unapproachable, and also.

He knew I have a crush on him...


I have fallen and I'm scared that I feel like crying while writing this, I needed to just cope with liquor beverages.

He just made me feel things that I don't understand and he's very observant about it...

I feel like crazy saying this like oh my God, this is not me😭

Though I can only watch him from afar...

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