They say every person is a product of their surroundings. It doesn't matter what your life is at home. Yuki is a prime example of that. Despite being raised in a home where she had no love, Yuki turned out to be a happy kid. She had a lot of friends, went to many places and, had good grades. If you ignored the fact she was in a gang, Yuki was a model child. People refused to believe it though. Her teachers looked down at her as well as the other adults in the neighbourhood but Yuki never let it get to her. Yuki was strong, not only physically but mentally too.

Yuki is the product of her surroundings so she's got a heart of glass and skin of steel protecting it.

But the melting point of steel was 1,370 Celsius and 1,538 Celsius for glass— and her own personal sun, Sano Manjiro was 15 million degrees hot.

Mikey melts Yuki into a little puddle every time he looks at her like that when they're alone. She can't describe it.

If Mikey was the sun then Yuki was Icarus, the fool fated to fall and burn. For Yuki, it was worth it to burn. The sun is painful to look at for too long, it burns your retinas, burns your skin— but there was no beauty without pain. Even if Icarus fell, he still flew.

Even if Mikey is destructive, even if he kills her in the future, Yuki still loves him.

Wang Yuki is in love with a boy who is bleeding sunlight. She's always trying to patch up the holes in his heart with trembling fingers but the blood keeps spilling. She's in love with and here's the best part she is yet to find out: he loves her more than his own life.

"I really don't think I'm good enough to ride in the snow" Yuki mutters as she mounts the bike

Mikey leans over and clips the helmet under her chin then knocks at it. "Well you've been learning since we got out of the hospital, you've gotta be good Yuki. If you can ride in the snow you can ride any day" he tells her and gets on his own CB250T

Draken has already started his bike and is just wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck and lower face. All three of them are wearing white Toman bomber jackets. Yuki has a sweatshirt underneath and a black scarf wrapped around her neck, covering her neck and jaw. There are black gloves keeping her hands warm from the biting cold air. "uh... okay" Yuki says hesitantly and starts her bike

Her motorcycle was one of Shinichiro's old ones. Mikey got his CB250T but Yuki got his first ever one which Mikey and Draken fixed up for her. She doesn't know the name but it's pretty similar to Mikey's. "Let's go then!" Mikey says and pulls out, zooming down the street

It's 11:43 pm, Christmas night. Mikey used to have a tradition of riding his bike with Baji and Shinichiro, perhaps he wanted to continue it with Yuki and Draken now. "woah~" Yuki whispers as they zoom down the empty streets

Snow was falling and everything looked so pretty. There was no one outside which made it even better. Yuki, Draken and Mikey switched from lane to lane as they pleased, the loud rumbling of their engines echoing through the empty streets. "Was that Mitsuya's Impulse I heard just now?" Mikey says

Draken shivers on his bike. "Huh?! No one besides you is stupid enough to ride a bike in this freezing ass weather Mikey" Draken says "You're hearing things"

Mikey only smiles. "Guess so"

After a while of riding, they stop on the side of the road just enjoying the view of the empty streets of Tokyo. Yuki leans back against the railing next to Mikey who wraps an arm over her shoulders. "How did the meeting with Kazutora go?" He asks

Yuki met with Kazutora a few days ago. He cried at the sight of the scar on her face but she brushed it off saying it didn't hurt and it was fine. Kazutora apologized for everything. The way things ended made Yuki feel a bit sad. It didn't feel like proper closure for her but oh well, sometimes the best closure is not getting any closure at all. "It was fine. Said he started therapy" Yuki says

"Hm... that's good" Is all he says

Cold fingers touch her ear and playfully tug at her earlobe. Yuki took off the earrings Kazutora gave her. As much as she wanted to keep them on, it felt like she was betraying Mikey. She couldn't do that. "stop that" she grumbles and smacks his hand

Mikey only grins at her. "Mikey" Draken calls from where he's standing, phone pressed to his ear "Emma wants to know if we know where Takemitchy is"

Oh yeah. Yuki realizes that Takemitchy and Chifuyu hadn't told her about any plan they came up with. Had they decided to go do things about Hakkai and Black Dragons alone? "No idea" Yuki and Mikey say at the same time

"we don't know" Draken says into the phone "... Huh? Go look for him? What a pain. It's Christmas you know. Well you can get mad all you want but I've got no idea where he might be"

"Ken-chin" Mikey calls "let's go back, that Impulse I heard earlier, it was Mitsuya's"

Draken looks completely confused. Mikey removes his arm from around Yuki's shoulders and smiles at both of them. "Takemitchy might be with him" Mikey says

They end up getting back on their bikes and following behind wherever Mikey said Mitsuya must be. Mikey often turns his head and looks at Yuki, making sure she's alright while the snow is slippery. "Don't worry Yuki, I'll make sure no one else disappears"

Sano Manjiro is golden as they come but he's bleeding out. One day someone will strike a match on his and he'll explode.

So here's the worst part Yuki is yet to find out: Manjiro loves her so much, more than his own life.

RUN | MIKEY SANOOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora