Chapter 7

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Just the brief mention of maps was no help. Aislin could have anything on those maps, they might not even be maps. He didn't expect Caelan to understand, but she was a lot like her mother in more ways than one. She was his child after all, she was Aislin's child. While the hell he could only imagine she had gone through, it was not his job to put her through more hell.

The sun rose quickly and Heisenberg had found himself falling asleep with Caelan. However, as soon as the sun rose, his daughter was up and moving around. For a moment, his eyes had to adjust. As soon as they did, he watched her. She stared at the wall for a good five minutes before moving around the room and she started to draw on the table with a marker. When had he left a marker around? When did he leave anything around?

He sat up, watching Caelan draw on the table. "What are you doing?"

There was complete silence from Caelan and he stood, moving behind her. She was drawing maps and what appeared to be words. However, the words made no sense. However, the one word that stood out to him was the word  Cadou. Maybe Caelan was smarted than he thought. He looked at her, kneeling down. "Do you know what this word means?"

Caelan shook her head, "no, but mommy had it written everywhere. She talked about it all the time, she talked to herself a lot about it."

"What did she say?"

Caelan shrugged her shoulders, putting the marker down and she went back to the bed. She plopped down, kicking her feet back and forth. Caelan didn't remember anything about what her mom had said, but she talked a lot. She talked about finding a cure, but she had no idea what a cure was for. Why did her mom need a cure?

"Mommy talked about a cure..."


Heisenberg stood and rubbed her face. Aislin often spoke about finding a cure for the parasite, a cure to make them all normal again so Miranda couldn't sink her claws deeper into others like him. She never stopped talking about it, but it seemed she never let go of it.

Even after he had left.

Aislin was dedicated, she had always been dedicated. Whether it was to him or what she believed in, she never let it go so easily. That was part of the reason he had love her so dearly, but now, now she had gotten herself into a situation.

She had to be in trouble, she was trying to look for a cure so there was a better chance that Miranda had found her. Miranda always knew what they had been up to, she knew that Aislin was pregnant and now his child was the shell for Miranda's daughter.

What were the odds.

However, Aislin realized it before Miranda could take her. Aislin got out, but she knew he would not go with her. If he had, maybe she would be safe.

"I will find your mother, Caelan, I promise." He looked back at the girl who was still kicking her feet back and forth.

"I know," Caelan smiled. "Mommy said that you would."

Aislin always had faith in him, but it was time for him to help her rather than helping himself. He had asked her to stay for so long, not ready to break the shackles that Miranda had him in. It was finally time, too bad it took Aislin disappearing and him meeting his child to realize that.

He had missed so many years.

"I'm hungry," Caelan suddenly whined and a small growl echoed from her stomach.

Heisenberg sighed, walking to her and he picked her up off the bed. "Let's get you something to eat then." She was still a human child, she needed food. However, if she was infected, the cure was for her just as much as it was for himself.

This was his child, he felt a bond with her even though he had missed out on so much time. The biggest and most difficult job would be keeping her out of Miranda's hands. Miranda knew she was here so he didn't have any sort of surprise elements, but she didn't know that he knew. Finding Aislin would be another difficult problem, but he would find her eventually.

"Where are we going?" Caelan asked as Heisenberg picked up his hammer.

"To the village."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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